Many thanks Matrixgli. you’ve saved me a lot of time.
Anyone had success recording drum sequence midi data into Octatrack?
Many thanks Matrixgli. you’ve saved me a lot of time.
Anyone had success recording drum sequence midi data into Octatrack?
I use Event Processor plus to map Cc or notes to
sezare56, that’s a great tip! Thank you,
This is the best and most concise explanation I have seen regarding Plays Free mode. I have never used it and wasn’t sure why one would use it.
sezare56, I could be wrong but as far as I know the Octatrack doesn’t spit out any sort of midi data upon pattern change, so I’m wondering what midi event I would use to trigger Pc on the drum machine via the Event Processor. Manually addiing a note in seq the cycle prior to Pc doesn’t sound convenient. I’d really like to know what midi event on the Octatrack you process via the Event Processor to trigger programme change on external device.
There are quite a few threads about Octa sending program change to other machines…
I found this one but it’s a common question as it doesn’t seem straightforward, so you might need to dig deeper…
Changing Patterns on my OT causes the Pattern to change on my Monomachine and my Machinedrum, so it must be sending something!
Are you guys sure OT Program Change is with Part and not Pattern?
The OT’s MIDI sequencer tracks allow arbitrary Program Changes when switching to a pattern that is linked to a different part (manual, page 114).
What you are using with your OT and other gear is that the OT has an option to send a Program Change message (fixed with the number of the new pattern) whenever it changes pattern (manual, page 42).
That’s not correct. If you line up the pattern numbers in both instruments, and have the OT send a Program Change message (see OT manual, page 42), you have pattern change per pattern.
Anyone know if the Plays Free also applies to the midi tracks? (I know it probably took me longer to type this than to find the manual, but … yeah…)
You can use more than one OT MIDI track to sequence the Tänzmaus.
Thank you for the very useful tips and links and apologies for posting about issues covered before… I’ll learn to use the search function more effectively.
As for the Pc described on p42, I tried it early on but deactivated it thinking it is hardwired i.e. Pattern one on Octa always triggers Pattern one on external advice, P2 octatrack > P2 on external etc. In the meantime i forgot about this possibility. Anyway, looks like “line up the pattern numbers in both instruments” will do the trick…
Yes, it does. (Manual, pages 82-83 and 91-92).
Hehe… I know I should RTFM… but thanks bud, will buy you a beer if we ever meet!
Cool thread cheers
Ah. I have only ever used it to change to the same numbered pattern, so hadn’t noticed the limitation! Thanks for the clarification.
Any midi message can be mapped to any other midi message with EP+.
A PC should be send whenever you want so I use EP+ to map CC, Aftertouch, any unused message. For my Blofeld I can map a PC for each note for a drum kit for ex.
French army midi knife.
As a catfish, I love PCs.
What’s this, l’ami ?
Any link ?
Merci mon bon, vous êtes bien bon.
Danke vielmals !