A4 & MD Syncing Issues

I seem to be having an issue syncing the A4 & MD up over Midi.

The problem happens if I use the A4 as the master and slave the MD to it. If I place a kick on the first beat and then press play on the A4 this initial note isn’t triggered. It is triggered however if I press stop the play again (i.e.: playing from pause). If I press stop twice and then play (i.e.: playing from a full stop) the note doesn’t play again.

This doesn’t happen if I reverse the master / slave set up round. So if MD is the master and I press play, the first note on the A4 plays fine.

This is kinda ok as I can use the MD as the master but things like this bug me and I’d like to know if this happens on other machines or is it just mine.

Is the MD a better sequencer than the A4?


This type of problem is known, look at this thread:

I sent a ticket to Elektron, asking if an OS update could solve this irritating problem, and the answer was: no.

i’ve seen and reported this too - even the click track goes out of whack when you double stop - i seriously doubt there’s nothing they can do, that seems like a total cop out, we need official word on this again because it is really bad !

it’s syncing anything from A4 which is my issue (i have no md)

yeah I’ve also got sync issues…

The A4 clock itself is seems to be pretty good.
But there’s a few bugs with A4 as master:

  • when you double-press STOP on the A4, something gets messed up. If you then press START, the A4 doesn’t send a MIDI START byte, but a CONTINUE byte. This fucks up the sync. It also fucks up the metronome. (several users have written about this)

  • sometimes, when you start the A4 sequencer, it starts ahead of its own clock. This results in slaved devices running delayed. (I’ve rigorously tested this, but so far haven’t seen anyone else write about it)

The issue you’re describing might be related to the double-press STOP bug? Does your bug also occur when you just booted the A4, without ever having double-pressed STOP?

Hmmmmmm well that’s a bit annoying. It appears to be the double stop that’s doing it - if I boot from cold it works. Press stop once and play and it works. Press stop twice and it doesn’t work (i.e.: no triggered 1st note).

There must be a way for Elektron to fix this surely?

of course there is … but they don’t read this forum much (if at all) so contacting support to really get the issue sorted (or properly answered) is the best next step :wink:

this issue is easily reproducable and has been reported…
pretty sure they just haven’t gotten around fixing it yet.

I’m nearly sure that the problem is due to the MD, not to the other elektron gears. You can fix it by setting the MD not to receive tempo information, or by other settings. I had the same problem using my RS 7000 with the MD. With OT syncing the MD by using midi notes (to make patterns change on the MD at the same time as they change on the OT), you can ear a double kick (or a sort of click) on the very first beat of the MD. It’s really annoying, but can be solved by setting the MD not to receive tempo information.

it has nothing to do with my MD as i ain’t got one, the internal A4 click track even goes out of sync - i am connecting to other robust equipment and the problem is there - definitely A4 !