ANALOG 4 as a sound card - the headphone output issue

Hello guys

Recently Ive decided to go Overbridge with my Elektron gear. I updated the A4 O.S. , installed the Overbridge soft on my laptop and hooked up my A4 to my laptop. In Overbridge Control Panel and in Ableton Live 8 everything is working smoothly, I can see audio coming from the two main A4 outputs and going to Ableton. There is one problem though. When Im using the A4 headphones output, I can hear audio from BOTH the “dry A4 output” AND the “Overbridge output” - I mean there are two sounds overlapping -the “direct A4 sound” and the one that has gone out of A4 via USB, went through Ableton and came back to A4 via USB again. Is there any way I could hear ONLY the Overbridge sound output?. I want to use the A4 as a Sound Card where I can hear only the sound coming from the DAW (including the audio from A4 that has gone through the DAW). Any tips? Any help? All feedback would be appreciated! Cheers and have a lovely Sunday!

Same here…

Also id like to use the headphone out on A4 as my cue channel in Ableton live. Send main out from Live out through the stereo outs on A4 and cue through its headphones out…

Trying to get this setup but cant…anyone did this

to get rid of the double sounds do this…

Global > Voice routing >Uncheck which channels(ive did all 4) get sent to Main…

Now no longer getting sent internally on A4 to main… :wink:


Got it working now

Hi, I’m re-earthing this topic because disabling internal voice routing doesn’t solve the issue for me, I still get echo from the AK FX track in Ableton when trying to listen to everything through the AK headphone out.

To sum up I just want to listen to everything (AK’s 4 tracks + FX track trough OB, and other Ableton tracks) through AK’s headphone-out rather than the MacBook’s (can’t use my speakers at night).

Anybody got a solution or is this simply not doable ?


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datalines last video in spain… at the very end, he says that it is possible what you ask the ak to do.

my best advice here is:

set up everything again. but with limits. 2 ableton channels, 1 voice on the AK and 1 usb cable.

also, i had audi coming through the midi channel via ob … had to mute that.

also follow datalines setup guide for OB use

I found that If I disable internal voice routing on my RYTM I get nothing coming into OB at all !

So it’s the same for me, if I target the RYTM as a sound card output I get a doubling of sound on the main stereo outs as it’s playing the RYTM raw output plus the OB / DAW output tracks. I didn’t figure out a way to get round that but it was only a quick experiment…

I created a ticket to Elektron and from what I understand from their reply it’s not possible to both use the AK as an output soundcard AND multi-track FX. In a nutshell, this is because FX = MAINS: there is no dedicated CUE output.