AR Analog Rytm feature request thread

^ yes please :slight_smile: ^

Midi Machine Plz!!!
Over Bridge with Ableton live Parameter Display :joy:

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YES. purdy peez.

Not sure if this has been requested / discussed, but a feature I’d find really useful is to activate Scene’s in Song Mode. i.e.: I can program a scene for one bar during playback.

It could work in exactly the same way as the mutes in Song Mode. Can’t be hard to implement this??

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Paternes mode
Retrig +Paterne bank do the same as Paternes bank continuous press

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Sort the sync issue out with Logic?

MIDI MIDI MIDI!!! What I’d give to have midi machines to use up tracks I’d otherwise leave empty because of voice sharing.


I really need some basic MIDI. No need to send any CC, just basic notes is enough for me.

Hmm, yeah pressure could be implemented for quite a few other things, I was playing with a impulse->resonant filter sound and doing some really cool tabla type modulations by applying pressure, imagine my dismay when it wasn’t recorded :sob: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

…yeah @darenager it’s a point i’ve come up with last year. same thing after modulating with Aftertouch on the Pads i was so disappointed that it won’t record. A computer between solving that issue and i hope it will come to standalone mode. It’s incredible deep with pressure applied.

It would be nice if the metronome went louder than the current maximum or you could change the sound of it. I always find starting a beat from scratch annoying because as soon as you hit some pads the metronome is drowned out. I guess I could turn everything way down but where’s the fun in that.

The new Synthesis Machines are great, right now I’m just after more ways to mess with them. I’d love Electron to turn their attention to the modulation and fx area.

I suspect there’s no chance of another lfo, though if there were enough juice for one then it could live under the existing one, like on the A4. What would be really great though would be if it were possible to route the existing one to more places. Perhaps a modulation matrix under the existing LFO page, accessed by a double tap like on A4?

On the topic of modulation, I often use a single LFO to put some subtle drift onto a few elements. A global source of uncertainty type source that could be sent to a few places would be a really tidy way to make things a bit more wayward. Conceivably this could be just a single parameter that goes from factory-fresh to really-needs-a-service?

And the FX, they are decent but I find then neither nice enough nor shitty enough. Anyone who is using UB to a DAW or running the sounds into a mixer is likely to have a reverb/echo that’s more to their taste.

I wonder if the delay engine could have a really short mode for clangy karplus/flange type stuff? A really nice option would be to have an unsynced mode where you set the max delay length and then can scroll though this smoothly - would allow normal delay at long settings and flange/chorus/karplus at short settings.
And I wonder if the reverb engine could be re-purposed as a granular type effect or a resonator?

What the Rytm has in it’s favour is that it’s a performance object - it would be great to make the effects more of a performance element rather than stock studio standards.


[Function ] +[up/down arrow keys ]
choose what the trig line do just like the octatrack
Paternes, mute, scene, perf,

And we can access different functions in same time

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I haven’t noticed if anyone has already mentioned this, but I’d like to see a modulation page accessed by double tapping the LFO button. There you would have two rows with Track Source, Mod Source, Destination and bipolar Amount. This would allow you to create very complex modulations using LFOs and Envelopes from other track sounds on various parameters. Parameter locking would make the possibilities pretty endless.

Double tapping the Amp button to configure the Inputs would be nice too. It would be nice to have a volume control and the option to sum to mono.

This is probably not possible with the voice architecture, but I’d love to have a low pass/high pass filter that could be applied to the whole signal.

The Multi Map feature from A4/AK. Surprised this wasn’t implemented on both the analog boxes.

This would make it way easier to switch patterns on the AR from external MIDI. A good amount has already been said here about how painful it is to juggle the OT’s Arranger in tandem with the analogs’ Song Mode, and it’s really nice that you can ditch Song Mode on the A4 and just have the OT Arranger switch the A4’s patterns on whichever rows you decide to add the required transposition.

External in effects and audio level. Seems odd older units can do this but rytm is hamstrung. Would be great to run MDUW sounds through rytm effects. Can only do it effectively the other way around.

Impossible dream, it’s direct analog straight to compressor.

I have a very doable handy one …
Paste to multiple trigs
when you copy one or more trigs, you can only paste once to the first selected

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A few ways that conditional locks could be even more ridiculously powerful:

  1. Trigless locks of TRC rules that evaluate whenever (a) the pads or (b) an external MIDI source triggers a note on the track in time with the clock’s pass over the trigless lock. Like logical and probabilistic landmines. If not that, then at least the ability to set a default TRC rule on the TRIG page that evaluates under such live / external triggering.
  2. TRC rule as an LFO destination, which would ideally affect the evaluation of both note trigs and live / external trigs (as above)
  3. A MIDI CC for TRC rule, which would ideally affect both types of trigs’ evaluation as well

I salivate a little when I think of the kinds of complex cascading rhythms that could be evoked from live playing if (1) were possible. Or, for more sparse results, being able to apply conditional “filters” / “masking” over live playing.

Not to diminish their brilliance as is. They are absolutely brilliant.

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I’d like to be able to modulate micro timing with the LFO. I understand that with micro timing, a trigger can be set before the actual step (i.e. negative micro timing) so that might be a challenge to implement. Would be great though, to use LFO as a humanizer, for example.

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I got one simple wish: Note repeat. Pretty please :slight_smile:

Note repeat on Maschine or Ableton Push makes it so quick to record an expressive hihat pattern. Really missing this on the AR.