AR Analog Rytm feature request thread

May there is something like this and I missed, anyway here it goes.

Holding PAGE while in REC mode emulates having pressed and holden all the active triggers for the current page. So if you change any parameter, that parameter will be locked to all the active triggers for the current page.


Parameter lock sample start to 33 to all the active triggers on the current page.


  1. Press and hold Page
  2. Set Sample start to 33



I’d like that simply to apply % TRCs to a whole page at once

This is a great idea in terms of it making useful things happen quickly in a live context

I find the N0+Param erase technique way less satisfactory as it’s near impossible to keep the pressed encoder on one value - there are so many times I’ve wished to be able to set all to something


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Also clicking the knob once can be used to lock all the active triggers to the current value, clicking twice to erase all locks :slight_smile:


Would be cool if BOTH the A4 and AR’s trig conditions included 1 of x, but x of 4. So if I want it to do 1, 2, 3, and leave out 4 as an example, and not have it random.

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There’s a way to achieve exactly that already (slight caveat)

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[Moderator’s Note : A separate and longer FR Thread has been closed to allow the discussion to play out on this one which was started 4 months prior, please have a read through it if you want to cross reference]

I just thought of something, while in chromatic mode, the up/down arrows would move the pads in octaves instead of the smaller 4 semitone steps which is quite disorienting. Like on the a4. It would be Insanely more playable for doing fast octave jumps live.

It already does that if you press Fn too :thup:

Fn+:arrow_up_small: or Fn+:arrow_down_small: for octave jumps


I did not know of this, and shall try it immediately!

Oh, rtfm moment! Of course it does! Though i’d like to be able to do that without the FN Button. There could be an option in the global setting to toggle between octaves and the other option, right?

There could be dozens of options but you won’t see a single one imho, the UI is purposely simplified or balanced - the days of OT depth menu options are gone

I’d also probably prefer it if it were the way round you suggest, I’m used to that from the A4 too, but I still think they have done the right thing by setting it that way, so I won’t be holding my breath waiting for it to get an option

Yeah i was meaning to say they could make an option in the global settings. Or per track? I am away from rytm right now but Will have to try the FN+arrows when back home!

Stackable (polyphonic like) Scenes.

This can be accomplish easily and only involves very simple math.

The idea is that more than one scene can be active at the same time.

For this to work properly a “choke group” like parameter must be added to scenes. This way you can define which scenes are stackable and with whom.

For example, if all scenes are set to the same “choke” group, the scenes will work as default, activating a scene will deactivate the previous one.

Now if you want to have 3 scenes that will for example control transposition and another 3 that controls the effect amount, you can set those scenes to a different choke group. Let say we set transposition scenes to group 2 and fx scenes to group 3. This way activating a transposition scene will deactivate another transposition scene but will left any other active scene untouched, same goes for fx scenes. So for this example you can have let say 4 scenes that drastically modify pattern grove with choke group 1, 3 scenes that controls pattern’s pitch on choke group 2, and another 3 that controls fx amount on choke group 3, then you can combine 3 scenes, one of each kind (groove + pitch + fx) converting 10 scenes in 36 virtual scenes due posible combinations.

May be this was a complex example, anyway this can be used in much simpler and still incredible effective way.

I’m using a similar approach with the Custom Keypads on my Max patch Performer and so far it is extremely useful, at least for my workflow.

What do you think?


I just came hear to post about the same thing. I guess the key option is the BT & LT pads - since you probably are already using synthesis on BD and SD.

And yes, just like the hold function to multiple mute on RYTM, holding track and then multiple-selecting pads, you could then simultaneously change parameters for each sound.

In the case of the stereo pair on BT and LT, you could easily change filters or things with this method. Or do a whole bunch of things really, fade ins and what have you.

I really wish the main 8 knobs could be used ala the performance knobs on the A4.

I’d like to see higher precision trim capabilities for start and end points on samples. That would be much nicer than monkeying around in the computer and waiting for the uploading to finish. It could even be assigned to modifier button as not to break the way it currently works. Copying this here from the conversation thread: Inability to fine-tune starting point is super inconvenient


An idea for better and more complex fills: Snapback pattern option.

The idea is that you can set a pattern to snapback, and it will automaticly jump back to the previous pattern when it gets to the end. This will especially be useful if you have other gear in the chain that needs focus during the fill, because it is very difficult keeping your mind on several machines at the same time.


DAMNIT elektron,

please give us a extra digital HPF or a cut <150 hz or something like that per track, it would make life easier and make my mix a lot clearer. Really pissed for this. I only use the main stereo outs because of the panning automation/lfo I do (I play live). Pfff :stuck_out_tongue:

No rumors about this?

Sorry, the signalpath from the analog sounds is fully analog (unless using OB), right up to the master outs. Any digital sections are only added to the analog signalpath ie. there is not a single AD “insert” conversion on the AR when used standalone (only “aux” type AD for the delay & reverb). So your request doesn’t sound possible I’m afraid.

fwiw I use the hipass filters for getting rid of excess lowend. In the case of using more complex sounds that requre other filtermodes in addition to this, resampling is the way.

I would like to have volume automating in the sequencer… in song mode. With user definable envelopes. That would solve a lot of issues for me. Also scene setting per pattern in song mode would be cool.

I agree with speed multipliers per track! I also would like a “reload all Kits” type option so once Im done playing a set I can zero all kits back to their save point in one shot.