Analog Rytm Kit Pattern Save Project Memory Mega Tutorial

thank you Cuckoo and fingers crossed for sample coping!
But I still have one remaining question. I create a sound and save it. I create a kit and use this saved sound in that kit. Now I tweak the sound. Is all I have to do saving the kit and the tweaked sound is also saved / overwritten? Or must I save the sound too? Still a bit confusing :aw:

The way I see things, you save Sounds in the Drive only to be able to reuse them in another Kit (in the current project or not).
You save Sounds in the Pool to be able to Sound-lock them or reuse in a Kit within the Project.

Once you loaded your Sound in a Kit, it’s not the Sound anymore : just a part of the Kit.
Thus if you tweak then save the Kit, reload the Kit will bring you back to the when you saved the Kit.
Other aspect is when you tweak this Sound in Kit A, it does not affect the same Sound loaded in Kit B.

The confusing thing is about Reloading the Sound.
Because it’s not reloading the Sound as “the Pool/Drive Sound” but the Sound as “I want to reload only the Sound of the current track for this Kit”
Plus if you haven’t saved your Kit after loading the Pool Sound, not sure this is still true. [EDIT : yes it is, you don’t reload the Pool Sound but last save Kit sound]

Anyway :

  • before you create a new Pattern : save your Kit for the current Pattern (Yes+Kit)
  • once you enter a new Pattern : save your Kit to a new slot
  • when you save a Sound to the Pool/Drive, you’re basically making a copy for further reuse. No need to save the Sound when you save a Kit.

What @LyingDalai said :slight_smile:
A Kit is self containing. Don’t have to save the sound (unless you want to). Samples in kits are referenced to the sample slot that it’s using. Samples in sounds are referenced to the actual sample file on the +Drive. Hence, if you load a sound into a kit, the sample will follow, regardless of what Project you’re in. If you copy a kit (like I did in the video) it will only copy the sample slot that it was using.

Two key differences in the shortcuts, to be noted. As they sort of break the UI conventions. But it’s handy.

  • Yes + Kit, saves and overwrites the current Kit. No questions asked. Boom, done.
  • Yes + Sound, saves a NEW sound into a sound slot that you select. (Not necessarily overwriting, unless you save it into the same slot again.
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@cuckoomusic your tutorial is very good.
What happens when you come back to the previous pattern is that Kit 1 modified is in the second temporary Kit slot. @Ess has made it clear in another thread.

Thus for me the best thing to do is

  • Save your Kit before you change Pattern
  • Save as new Kit once you’re on the new Pattern.
    It’s much safer.
    I think there is a functionality to automatically reload the Kit when you switch to another one, this using only one temporary Kit slot. This may be more natural…

Thanks. Yeah I kinda figured it might be some sort of temporary buffer/ kit feature, but didn’t fully understand why. I mean, this is desired if you’re working on a chain of patterns with the same kit, and you’re constantly changing that kit. Then you don’t want it to reload every time you’re changing patterns. But are you saying there’s room to do this with two kits? Two temporary kit buffers?

I think starting out with a freshly saved kit is clean. But sometimes that’s not the way things start out, and then this happens. And when it happens, people neet to not dispair… was my message :wink: kind of…

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Yep, two temporary buffers.
@Ess talks about this here but at that time he was still unsure.
I remember him checking and coming back to make it clear, but can’t find his message :frowning:
There’s another thread on the subject that bring interesting elements.

The “Kit Reload on change” parameter can be found in Fn+Global / Sequencer Config
Maybe this works better with your workflow…

Oh, you know you can instant Fn+Clear the name of your Kit right ? Works for any renaming btw.

Fn+Pattern to save your Pattern before tweaking the plocks or changing the trigs…

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Yeah, it’s just hat I’m very tense to use the fn+clear command. The fear of clearing a pattern instead of a track, or a sound etc. is making me rather not use that command in different situations, he he. I’m a Chicken, I know!!

Ahaha I feel you on this one.
Life is so ephemeral, but Rytm Patterns & Kits even more :smile:

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Excellent vid for new users like myself…thanks a bunch.

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Thank you so much!! I did read the manual…but

Didnt realize what the sound pool really was…that is a big deal for me…layering samples with the synth sounds is magical… and i didnt get the idea of saving of them as sounds…
but its very obvious from your work here.
this is hugely helpful and obvious but i missed it!!

Ive always liked the quick save as you go mentality of this device

making sure to start new kits every time is a tip i learned from your other videos and thanks for going deeper on it

Wondering if i could improve on it and all this info is super helpful!!

As of now, when i start a project i typically load a kit or build a quick kit…save it…new save…
start messing with sounds and patterns and if pattern starts getting real…save it…its now referencing the kit…
listen to kit sounds…if i mess with kit sounds…save it…but as a new kit…same as before but with A on it…save pattern
then keep doing that…i can always go back through previous kits…A B C…etc…

i can always go back to a previous kit…each pattern i liked is hopefully saved with a specific kit…

I end up with lots of kits with various tweaks…but i can have so many as long as i keep track of them it doesnt matter…
and i can always go back to a previous kit as my tendency is to get crazier and crazier the more i stay on a kit…heh

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@KaitlynsHouse I would add that the progression is very logical, and pedagogical.
Everything seems simple, yet we know how hard it can be to explain things from A to Z.
@cuckoomusic, you do a great job helping people :slight_smile:

@KaitlynsHouse another use for the sound pool is that you can change the whole sound of a track with a sound-lock (hold a trig then move the level knob : very nice to bring change to a track :slight_smile:

I’m so happy to hear you guys find it helpful! @KaitlynsHouse and @s3kn0tr0n1c ! Thank you!

I thought it’s possible to undo a pattern clear by repeating the same key combo?

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Yeah, if you do it straight away. But not if you press anything else in between. A good practice is to first copy the pattern/ track/ page etc, so that you can paste it back if you regret it.

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Great tutorial , very handy for a newbie like me.

I hope you do some on the new elektron box and help squash bugs before release

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I’m very curious of what it is.
Probably some sort of effects looper combination unit, no?

sans looper… :slight_smile:

@cuckoomusic Having just gotten an Analog Rytm, you are currently my favorite thing on the internet.

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first i want to second that cuckoo has helped out allot with his tutorials. very well done.

today though - heart break for real.

i worked out a kit, patterns and performances for a track, saved in a project - song and kit. i thought i made sure to save the kit when i made changes to it, saved project as well. i canceled recall from OB since i wanted to have rytm control everything from the hardware end. (thought) i made sure that the kit were saved by entering the kit menu and saved it as Sol every time i made a change to it. was about to arrange the song with the rest of my synths in Live today when it happened, OB asks for recall, but this time i open OB and i see that it reflects the machine state, and i press accept this time and some default kit with some default patterns starts playing. panic struck and the anxiety spread in my entire body. i opened the kit browser to load my Sol-kit but it was’nt there. it’s gone and i feel really bad.

i realise that this issue has been up before and many of you have gone lenghts to make this kind of basic function clear for the ones like me that f-cked up and reacted in different ways to it. but i cannot understand what else i could have done but tp save a project, song, kit, naming the stuff, saving everything i could find that has a save feature but still have everything set back to some other stuff and not being able to load saved stuff. by now i feel like i can’t go back to using drumracks etc in Live a getting rid if this fascinating drum synth, but i feel so hopelessly depressed about this that i just don’t know.

thx for reading

Damn!! This sucks.
But before you do anything crazy. The project that you have made sure to save (on the device I assume), if you open that project again, is everything there?

The elektrons all have this “open project” memory, where the current project with all its kits and patterns etc are. The stored and saved project is at a different place in the memory. It’s essentially a copy. This “open project” memory, I assume, will be taken over completely by OB when doing a total recall. It will not load a project stored on the device for you, I think, but rather send over all that data from the OB plugin. I don’t think that OB will ever overwrite a project stored on the device (I hope). So perhaps your last save is just fine when you open the project again on the machine?