And you have enabled midi out to USB on the AR (global/midi config/port config)?
I’m already back on the older OS so can’t confirm latch is gone but puuhhllleeaasseee put it back Elektron.
Unless there’s the same feature executed differently…
I updated my analog rytm mk1 to OS 1.45. It does not work now. It only shows the startup screen with elekton logo. In test mode it shows 0 errors. When I try to do a factory reset it returns to the screen with elektron logo. Also now, C6 cannot see the machine. I have already contacted support. Has anyone any idea about how to fix this or experienced similar issue? Thanks.
you could try and downgrade to a previous version of the OS? maybe that would help and at least you could use your AR again?
I cannot downgrade, C6 cannot see it. They have contacted me from support and it needs to go for service.
I am pondering the cost/benefit of taking the plunge and wondering if there is/could be a definitive list of replicated bugs. Maybe updated to the OP’s OP? Very stoked to check out the Dual VCO! …also terrified of bricking my Rytm as above…!
Have this bug too
Not sure if this is new to this OS update – when I double-click on the ‘Synth/Delay’ button to open the synthesis engine page to assign an engine to a track, the encoders still update values associated with their parameters even though they are not visible on the OLED screen.
This sort of makes it difficult to notice if you’ve changed values from accidentally bumping an encoder or turning one by mistake to try and scroll through and select a synthesis engine (even though you do so by using the up/down arrow keys).
If you’re on the Sample page and you double-click the sample/reverb button to get into the assign a sample tab and turn an encoder, then it immediately shuffles you back to the sample page where you can see the encoder value you changed update.
sooo guys, it is worth the upgrade with this bugs? specially if you are doing gigs often?
or better wait the bug fixes?
Also not sure if this is related to 1.45 OS , but when I try to assign a perf lock to the sample loop parameter (should just be 0 - off or 1 - on) I am allowed to assigned the parameter to a value between -128 and +127.
EDIT: same with perf locking the sample file parameter. There are only 0 to 127 sample slots, yet I am allowed to perf lock the sample parameter to a value between -128 and +127.
EDIT #2: same with perf locking LFO mod destinations. I can scroll through the destinations when I try to perf lock to a LFO mod destination, but they just end up being represented as values on the performance track rather than the name of the destination. Also the encoder values represented in the perf lock are wonky, as there aren’t -128 to +127 perf destinations.
I don’t gig with mine (yet) but I’ve been doing quite a bit of composing on it and haven’t once had anything I’d call a problem - including with the DVCOs, standard packs, lots of sysex I/O and sample handling, pattern chaining, external MIDI (in and out, sync and send, etc.). Nothing to complain about here.
Performance locks are relative parameters. This is normal behaviour because the value is added to the current value of the control. They’ll stop at the extremes of the actual control value if the combined value exceeds it. So if your sample slot is set to 127 and you want to play sample 0 set it to the max negative and you’ll hit it. If your sample slot is set to 64, then you can either take it up to the end or down to the beginning. That’s why it gives you full range in both directions. This is normal behaviour for performances. Scenes work differently - they are the actual parameter value set, not a relative change in parameter value.
I’ve been on 1.45 since it came out; played a gig last night and it went smoothly.
I haven’t updated mine to the newest OS yet. Currently my unit is running relatively smooth (other than a couple of bugs), and I’m worried that if I update the OS, it’s going to jack up my unit.
thanks guys, just installed and everything seems fine, just one setting: now when I try to change pattern (sequential mode) the screen flash the next pattern but the change never comes, silly question but can´t find the setting to make it change when I try to, anyone could please explain me how to make it change pattern as “normal”?
ok now I know it`s a bug with pattern changes on INF
workarounds??? got a gig soon
the only bug i’ve run into is the func+knob turn freezing where you have to switch param pages to ‘free’ the knob again.
used it live last week as the master clock for a table full of gear and it worked excellently.
My MK1 is freezing far more often now after 1.45, can’t pinpoint a cause or something that triggers it but seems to happen more when I’m on mute mode. Anyone else? FWIW, turning it of/on solves it.
When can we expect a bug fix update? Nothing official so far but bugs are all around the place.