So i just sold my tanzbar which nicely clocked my Korg SQ1 to use with other gear and my Rytm is hopefully en route. Whats the best way to get the Rytm to send clock to the Korg SQ1? Assuming the impulse machine could work, but have struggling finding any clear evidence of people doing this. Would i require something like Kenton box to do this?
It works well at providing a Sync Pulse suitable for the Korg no problem, my only slight niggle is that I’m presently unable to prevent the Korg from automatically calculating intermediate steps … so 4 Impulse clicks (at an individual out) per bar will notch up 8 evenly spaced steps on the Korg per bar, i’d sooner it was one to one, it seems plausible that there’s a setting on the SQ1 but I haven’t dialled it in yet, even with the rotary at the first three positions
hmmm ok, thats promising. so can i use a patch cable with a 1/4 jack adapter to achieve this or do i need something else? also would be great to experiement the other way round (but obviously via midi as the rytm doesn have cv gate). bet you can some interesting stuff out of the rytms sound this way.
If you do that with a mono adaptor you’ll maybe have issues with the other voice at the outlet
best thing is to get the two signals split apart like this or this(very handy too) so no using a standard modular patch cable (although the voice on the ring outlet may just get grounded) (you’d have to use the voice on the Tip (the lower of the pairs screenprinted on surface)
Before investing in a Kenton box, think about one from the Volca series. You can go MIDI DIN out from the Rytm to the volca then volca sync out to the SQ-1. Plus, you can have the Rytm control the transport of the Volca. And have another thing that makes sounds : ) I recommend Volca FM!
i have y cables (used for recording the individual outs from my tanzbar). so could i instead just add a mini jack adapter to one of those instead? sorry this stuff confuses me quite a bit (have attempted to read up on this before).
volca fm idea isnt too bad actually! there are also cheaper midi-cv converters from doepfer.
in fact lets extend the volca fm idea for a sec…could i send midi clock from the rytm to the volca, then sync mini jack to the sq-1, and then (exciting bit) somehow get the volca fm to be sequenced by the SQ-1? so the rytm is the master clock, volca fm sits in the middle, but is somehow sequenced by the SQ-1? or is this just complicating matters, lol. dont want the world to collapse or anything. theres no cv/gate option on the volcas, just sync so i think the answer is no.
I think that’ll work
as will any Y cables, but adaptors on top of 1/4" jacks makes for an awkward access scenario with more likelihood you’ll damage something on sq1 pcb
Monotribe w MIDI mod will do all this inbetweener stuff for you too
The Volca FM can only be sequenced via midi… no CV/Gate and your lonesome midi in will be used by the rytm. I use the volca internal sequencer to sequence it.
hmmm…not sure the volca option would allow me to sequence the volca and use the rytm as the master (due to their being just one midi port). other option is sell the sq-1 and get either a beatstep pro or a doepfer dark time. basically love the pitch/cv style sequencing but sq-1 is flawed a little when not having something to trigger it.
use a midi merge then
ah options. eating up my power supplies tho! this all good advice btw. new question - if the rytm is connected to the volca by midi, can i record onto the fm sequencer using the rytm pads? imagine that should be fine. kind of like this idea of the korg fm actually.
Only over a 4 octave fixed range and only by live playing - there is no sequenced midi output, none, never
can u not record into the korg volca fm sequencer similar to using a midi keyboard ? appreciate i couldnt sequence the FM in the rytm as it doesnt sequence external gear. 4 octaves is fine
or i could just play via the FM itself. used to have a volca bass and never really enjoyed the sequencer that much, but perhaps this time round i would.
the volca won’t mind what creates the midi notes, AR pads will work, but with caveats above - only by live playing, four octave fixed midi range (velocity ignored at volca)
final question - how do you like the korg FM?
never tried it
I love it to death. Just sounds soooo incredibly good. I use it nearly every production and aside from driving my POs live, it adds some great sounds to my shows. Easy 10/10!
nice. basically i have a prophet 6 at present and Rytm will hopefully arrive in 2 days. i am downsizing the rest of my setup as i am moving county to Australia in 2 months. So my boomstar and SEM are going . love using the p6 with the korg, but it only works with something triggering it via CV (previously my tanzbar). i will prob be a few months without my prophet, motu and speakers, so gonna have a RTYM and laptop as my setup. but perhaps i can squeeze in a Korg Volca into my travel bag. only issue then will be recording the korg FM without a soundcard! ah whys life so hard, lol .