Another A4/AK praise thread

Got my A4 last night! First thoughts:

  • Great for chords/harmonics. I’ve been considering the Minilogue for a long time because I like its voice modes and the chords you can get out of it. The A4 squashes that desire and fills this longstanding hole in my lineup. (The Monomachine’s ensemble machines did OK here, but I really like the A4 for this, even without using Poly!)
  • Love the Poly option. I always assumed the A4 was like the Monomachine, or like having 4 monologues or minibrutes: basically four monosynths, but instead I get the features that attracted to to the Minilogue plus all the Elektron goodness and more choices of how to use the 4 voices.
  • Really like the reverb. The ‘inf’ setting is what I had hoped the Octatrack’s Dark Reverb would be. I look forward to running the Monomachine through it. (But I’ve been having so much fun with the gated reverb on the older boxes that I kindof miss it here).

There’s a lot more for me to dig into, obviously. My other main thoughts:

  • Man I’d love a Monomachine with the A4’s additional features (not just in the sequencer, but the performance mode/mixer, little on screen keyboard, direct pattern jump (finally!)).
  • After going through the lineup (excl Sidstation) in order, the little screen takes more getting used to than I expected. Glad to see this being addressed in the MKII.
  • Disappointed that there’s no big printed manual.
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Ditto. Would love a new versatile great sounding synth from Elektron that merges the MNM and the A4. If they added user waves to the MK2, that would put me over the edge and I would use my MK1 for beats.

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Picked one up a couple of days ago too at the reduced price - hard to resist - got one years ago when they came out first - but couldn’t get my head around it and sold it, so giving it another chance. Been using the machine drum and mono machine recently so it’s a bit easier this time around.

The MNM loves the A4’s chorus. Don’t overlook it - it’s gold. And it lets you dedicate the other effects to the A4.


I just re-bought an Analog 4, to pair up with my MPC Live.
They complement each other really well, especially when you start using the A4’s reverb to replace the poor MPC Live one.

Sampling/resampling heaven.


Good idea, will also use the “chorus-buss” trick for sure!

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: A4 Tips & Tricks

Well, the A4 is the first bit of synth gear that I’ve bought for a second time. Confident I’m better suited to it now than I was before.

Last time I was guilty of focussing too much on the things it didn’t do and not accepting it for the unique instrument it is. Intending to hook it up to a 0-Coast this time as a self-contained creative space.

I bought Analog Keys for third time
It is big, in size and in possibilities
But I love it
Gives a lot of life to my music!


I focus on my Digitakt… for songs
Play things on Keys, and sample it
And When inplay the song…
I add live conponents like fx, leads and pads through the song…
Combined with joystick and macro…

Better than ever before…

A post was merged into an existing topic: A4 Tips & Tricks

At the same time, I start to dislike the Keys
The workflow is too long for me
Menu diving
Endlsss possibilities
The complexity makes me stop making music
I think I will sell it within a month
To go for Rytm and a simple (maybe modular) and erfective instrument

A modular is not the most simple and straight forward instrument I can think off :wink:


Wow. A 4 day cycle from “love it” to “dislike”. :slight_smile:

Having once owned an Akai MiniAK (basically a rebranded Alesis Micron) and an MPC500, A4 does not feel like menu diving at all. Except for setting up performance macros. But once those are set up, they’re pretty useful and something I’d love to have on the Monomachine (Guga’s SMD (now called Goliath) helps there, though).


I’m with all positives for the A4. I’ve gone away from it once or twice, owned 2 at the same time, and now I’m just down to one but it’s great. As far as the bass goes…once you adjust filt2 freq and resonance it seems to be fine to me (I also have a sub so maybe that helps).

Lately I’ve been using each elektron machine kind of stand alone + an analog heat and that has been helpful and fun. The A4 does so much on it’s own…and then you run some euro into it…and then you use OB and run some M4L modulators to that…

I love the keys
amazing sound
such a big and amazing synth

but… 2 maschines doesn’t make my music better

When i had my ak i hardly used it. Much more cumbersome than the a4 to use. I hate leaning over keyboards to program stuff. But an a4 or digitakt on the sofa is perfect.

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Standalone jams are great.

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AK for the separate outputs!

…until the new A4 at any rate. :slight_smile:

I love the a4 the most.