Got my A4 last night! First thoughts:
- Great for chords/harmonics. I’ve been considering the Minilogue for a long time because I like its voice modes and the chords you can get out of it. The A4 squashes that desire and fills this longstanding hole in my lineup. (The Monomachine’s ensemble machines did OK here, but I really like the A4 for this, even without using Poly!)
- Love the Poly option. I always assumed the A4 was like the Monomachine, or like having 4 monologues or minibrutes: basically four monosynths, but instead I get the features that attracted to to the Minilogue plus all the Elektron goodness and more choices of how to use the 4 voices.
- Really like the reverb. The ‘inf’ setting is what I had hoped the Octatrack’s Dark Reverb would be. I look forward to running the Monomachine through it. (But I’ve been having so much fun with the gated reverb on the older boxes that I kindof miss it here).
There’s a lot more for me to dig into, obviously. My other main thoughts:
- Man I’d love a Monomachine with the A4’s additional features (not just in the sequencer, but the performance mode/mixer, little on screen keyboard, direct pattern jump (finally!)).
- After going through the lineup (excl Sidstation) in order, the little screen takes more getting used to than I expected. Glad to see this being addressed in the MKII.
- Disappointed that there’s no big printed manual.