Arturia Matrixbrute [compiled topic]

Good chance someone already posted this recent video somewhere here, sorry if double post. Pretty good demo, deeper/better tweaking etc than other demos I’ve seen. Looks like it’s going to be cool when it’s finished.

Surprised there haven’t been any additions to this thread in six months.

I got to play a Matrixbrute for around 30 minutes recently. Very impressed, though I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. (Have since watched a few introductory videos so when I get another visit with the synth I will know up from down).

Anybody else played one since they started arriving in stores in the US?

Me too ! It seems to be a dream comes true synth. And I love some of the sounds I have heard. But I have never had a change to try it :confused:

Tested it 2x in a shop.

Very inspiring, can sound very modern but can also sound very “sweet” /vibey.

Very easy to operate, though endless sound possibilities.

One of the few synths that deserve the title “true instrument” and i can understand, why Gordon Reid
said in his SOS review, that the only monosynth (you can buy new) on par might be the Minimoog.

I think, Arturia did an incredible job - even if there would be a few things to improve, but that’s mainly software wise,
so i am sure it will be done.

And if you are into handplayed synth music, then this simply is a must have.

So if you don’t like the sound, the size, the knobs,

if you have not tested it for yourself and if you even think,
the effects are digital (which they are not), “posing as analogue”

are you writing here only then to spoil other people’s party?

don’t want to be rude, i just don’t get it …

this synth comes from a land of excellent taste and being serious about good music.

All the way from Arachnoid, Magma, Ange, Carpe Diem etc etc to Daft Punk etc etc

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Ordered one today. A bit of a lark but I don’t think I’ll regret it. The easy-to-use step sequencer was the big selling point for me, along with the delicious basic tones I was able to get from it with no instruction whatsoever when I had hands on a couple of weeks ago.


The fact that it does not have digital effects is not an “opinion”.

Maybe you change your opinion once you test it yourself. From the mini/micro to the matrixbrute it is like from the minitaur to voyager or minimoog mixed w sub37. Different synths for different purposes.

I love the concept. It could really be the command center of a proper modular setup or space station.

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I am excited to get mine, have had one preordered since Sept was hoping to get it in the first wave but it appears that I will not. :frowning:

The biggest thing that interest me is the capabilities of the Matrix. if it was just another monosynth i would’ve just passed up on it but wanting a modular style rig without the hassle of all the damn cables and millions of different options is very very intriguing.

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I had a play with one for about half an hour, a really impressive synth. Great tactile control over everything. I’ve previously owned a Voyager and would consider the Matrixbrute to be a more powerful.


Two years in (Three years in Jan 2019) not a single unreachability report , solid build , Once discontinued might be a classic synth like the Andromeda A6.


Mine has been a trooper reliability wise, and I reckon its worth every cent. I did some comparisons with the ladder filter/saw-square oscs against the Boog, amazing how close they can sound to each other at many settings.

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I guess this wasn’t a success story for Arturia? At least no-one raves about their MB’s.

I’m mostly too busy exploring the Matrixbrute to actually write about it, but yes, it’s fucking amazing, one of the best synths (and best values) on the market.

I think it’s crazy that no one’s talking about this or sharing it, but someone designed a free VST editor for it. The original file link expired, so I’ll share it on my dropbox temporarily (link). Best jump on it if you’re interested - this lets me automate parameters and, especially with Bitwig and VCV Host - integrate the Matrixbrute into virtual modular ecosystems. Sky’s the limit.


I also highly recommend Marc Doty’s “Matrixbrute Advanced Synthesis” video course. It doesn’t just teach you how to use the Matrixbrute, it generally gives you insight into how to think about the Matrixbrute and problem-solve / think outside of the box with its feature set. Each lesson is proof of how deeeeep this thing is.

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Yeah, it must be a sound designers dream, at least matrix for modulation looks really fast and intuitive. And as a centerpiece for modular system as well.

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Yep, and that mod matrix has bipolar attenuverters at each point in the grid! Try getting that easily with eurorack hardware. Some more links:

CV flexibility on the Matrixbrute (you can use that mod matrix for crazy routing of both internal matrixbrute and external modular patch points)

loopop vids:
the 9 synth superpowers of the matrixbrute
7 semi-modular ideas, tips, and tricks for synths like the matrixbrute (the CV -> Expression part of this video is essential info for anyone with eurorack)