Deals -- Perennial List of Things on Sale - GAS Warning!

It’s all the cheap and nasty flashing lights on those sites that makes me nauseous


Kore 2 with those Deep FREQ, Deep Transformation, Deep Reconstructions was outstanding … When i needed fast sound-design one-shots you throw at it a couple a random sounds, try different variations and you come up with usable and interesting results hahaha :

it still works (without the controller) but it’s a pain to install manually with pacifist on mac

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Why no buying samples/software?

Someone on ebay is sellîng third partie cover cheaper…

Probably because he/she like most people already have much more than they should


8 posts were split to a new topic: AT2020 and other microphones

I might dig out my Kore 2 installer and the three packs and install them again on my Windows PC. They were too good!


Have a Kore 2 gathering dust in the cupboard.
Where do you find these Kore packs?
I have heard about them a few times now

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Always feels better to make my own samples and I have more than enough software. Too much software actually - that I can’t sell on.


Sent me a used unit, dodgy af

Yeah store dj dropping the ball lately.
A few bad experiences


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Avenger is awesome :thup:


A post was merged into an existing topic: Korg Monologue

Arturia v6 Collection: $249 ($499)


I’ve been intrigued by the buchla emu since it came out. Any discounts for just that if I don’t want to get the whole package?

Native Instruments are basically offering a subscription model, but since everyone hates subscribtions they don´t call it that way. But once you got Komplete and follow their annual upgrade plan it comes close to that. To be fair: I got my Reaktor 5->6 upgrade for a discounted price that they offered when R6 was introduced. Still it feels a bit strange that now almost their whole catalogue is on a discount expect upgrades for existing customers.


Yep, I bought the Coldcut sample pack with the current sale on Loopmasters!

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At least once in year usually you get the possibilyty to upgrade your stuff for a reduced price just as the forthcoming christmas there will be a voucher (25,- €) and some kind of free product, like every year, you just have to wait patiently. I upgraded to Komplete 11 last year in summer I think it was, but I personally see no sense in upgrading to Komplete 12, maybe I´ll wait till 14.

But why follow their annual upgrade plan? I skipped a decade of paid updates and only upgraded last year from Komplete 3 to 11 for €99.-