So according to your calculations that is 80 params from 00 to 127 in a 1/4 second. This is like 40640 CC per second.
Please remind me not to hire you as programmer for code optimisation tasks.
Ok now talking seriously.
You can achieve excellent results with a 30Hz control rate, that gives you a maximum of 2400 CC per second for 80 parameters at maximum rate.
Any way I’ll be happy having 250 CC per second, enough to handle my Analog Four 10 performance knobs at a control rate resolution of 25hz.
Is the programmer´s job to provide elegant solutions to avoid MIDI cluttering.
For example:
By using the LFOs you can modulate 24CCs per Part at a very high rate, I did measure them, and they send a huge amount of data, I don’t remember right now, but I can re-test if you want.
So why not give te user the option to choose between having any of those 24 possible CCs been modulated by the LFO or… the crossfader.
Is not that hard, a simple multiplication will do the trick.
Also do you know that each time you change a Part that has CCs active on it, all values are sent (if needed) This means that static scenes for MIDI are possible.
Anyway, the OT´s ball is in elektron´s side long time ago, let see if they wanna play.