Digitone feature requests!

I’d love this. I’ve actually been emulating this with the one-shot LFO+Fade trick that someone recently posted. I actually managed a pretty convincing 303 emulation last night (minus a tiny bit of the characteristic squelch on the highest resonant peaks) but being able to lock a slide would be SO nice!

Edit: Oh, as a continuation of my experimentation with wave-folder type effects, I did stumble on a very similar effect, and it was done very simply. It was just modulating one ratio between operators, but I can’t remember which algorithm(s) it worked in. It was about as basic a patch as could be though. So I’m not sure adding one specifically would be of much use. I’ll figure out the best sounding algorithm to do this in, and post a few results when I get a chance.


Why? They already sell a sampler and a FM machine separately (each >700.-) and I guess both contain exactly the same hardware.

From a business point of view the times of a Monomachine are long gone (I don’t like this, but it’s simply a fact).

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Definitely need pitch bend and mod wheel on the midi tracks. Not sure why these can only be assigned to LFO at the moment.

The mod wheel knob works ok, but the pitch bend knob would be a lot more useful if it automatically returned to 0.

Not exactly, the DN has a secondary brain. :wink:

I prefer machines focused on doing one thing well instead of devices throwing in a lot of different synth engines etc.


Ha, you are right. Did my homework.


I hate working with engines myself- the Digitone is near perfect in concept and execution- 700 for a purely FM synth seems accurate for its feature-set and uniqueness.

(I wouldn’t complain if they added more voices though- the ability to overlap notes makes me really question how I got so much out of the A4)(those babies get eaten up QUICK)

Here’s one I thought of, plus a possible idea for how to activate it…

Ability to change pattern for only one track at a time! Like in Nanoloop!

Key combination idea:
Hold the track button you want to change, press/hold pattern and then press the pattern trig you want to change to.

Software-wise, it’d probably be pretty complex to implement, but wouldn’t that just be amazing if patterns could be easily combined together for transitions :smiley:


a workaround for that is to just have 4 digtones. then you could change patterns per track pretty easy


Of course! That would solve everyone else’s polyphony issues as well!

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Ok then, poly-chain it is! :smiley:

you can create a pattern with a different sequence just for one track, keeping the sequences the same for the 3 other tracks. I think they are enough pattern per project to “work” like that. :+1:


Or sequence it externally

Please i need it quick :



and also Legato mode ! please Elektron !!!


Not only that, it doesn’t seem to record pitch bends and mod wheel moves when using a controller to play in lines either, which frankly sucks a whole lot of ass. This combined with its poor timing in recording lines with grace notes and other actual playing, even in unquantized recording, kind of pisses me off a bit. Not everyone uses this equipment to play four-on-the-floor dance music. I thought I was basically buying a synth module that would record my lines verbatim, but I guess showing it off with a keyboard hooked up at NAMM was just to illustrate that you can hunt and peck a bassline with your index fingers.

I suppose recording pitch/mod would mean trigless locks on every empty step and a bunch of stepping. Kind of a fundamental flaw in the Elektron sequencer, considering that French upstart Squarp has immaculate resolution alongside step sequencing in their not-terribly-expensive Pyramid.


I wouldn’t expect high enough resolution on any Elektron sequencer to record pitch bend, aftertouch, or mod wheel smoothly. It is, after all, just a step sequencer with 16ppq resolution that has the ability to nudge events by 196ppq. I do sometimes miss having an MPC as master sequencer for polyphonic parts as it had high enough resolution to record these kinds of events. But really, I would just like these events to at least forward directly to the output of a MIDI track for jamming.


for this kind of use a daw is prefered, you can sequence the notes on a daw and use trigless lock at the same time for p-locks etc…

For some instances, yes. But a lot of times I like playing modulations, not programming them

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so can’t you play the mods from a midi keybord to a daw to a digitone ?this is how synth modules are used no ???