Digitone Workflow - Fully saving sounds between patterns - User Manual Section 9.4

Alright… So I got my Digitone yesterday and I haven’t slept yet.

I’m reading the manual as best I can coupled with experimentation.

I perfected my first pattern and wanted to copy/paste it to pattern slot 2 in order to slightly alter it in ways that help it progress. Turns out I can’t do this without resetting all the parameters! This is also the consensus on the forums so far as well, which utterly destroys my current work flow but gives me a heads up on my next track.

The problem is, in the User Manual, I’m pretty sure it totally states that you are able to do this unless I’m reading it incorrectly.

9.4 SAVING A SOUND After you edited the parameters of a Sound, you can save it either to the +Drive or to the Sound pool. For more information, please see “9.1 THE +DRIVE SOUND LIBRARY AND THE SOUND POOL” on page 23.

9.4.2 SAVING A SOUND TO THE SOUND POOL A Sound that you save to the Sound Pool is only available for the current project, but it can be Sound locked.

  1. Press [FUNC] + [PATTERN MENU] to open the IMPORT/EXPORT menu.
  2. Select MANAGE SOUNDS, and then press [YES] to open the SOUND MANAGER.
  3. Press [LEFT] to open the SORTING menu and select VIEW POOL, and then press [YES].
  4. Turn the LEVEL/DATA knob or use the [UP]/[DOWN] keys to select an empty slot to where you want to save your Sound.
  5. Press [RIGHT] to open the SOUND OPERATIONS menu.
  6. Select EXPORT TO HERE and then press [YES].
  7. On the NAMING screen, name your Sound and then press [YES]. For more information, please see “6.5 THE NAMING SCREEN” on page 17.

So what’s the deal with this section? I tried doing the Sound Pool method for convenience but it resets all the parameters still…

I’m hoping we get a fix on this!

You can copy everything. Were you in record mode? If so, in that case it’ll just copy the note data for whichever track you’re on. When not in record mode, it copies the full pattern including sounds.

You don’t even have to save the sounds into the sound pool unless you want to have them available as presets later and/or to sound-lock. The sounds are saved with the pattern, which is great but keep in mind that if you tweak a sound on 1 pattern, it doesn’t change on the other that you copied to, if you want it to match just copy the sound once changing it. Hope that makes sense.


If you’ve gotten this to work I don’t understand how. No matter how I copy and paste the pattern, I’ve tried in recording mode, main screen non-recording mode.

I setup patterns as a test. I copy and pasted one pattern to another slot and the only thing that gets transferred over are the base sounds and trigs, not their parameters.

There’s another lengthy thread on this and everyone says you can’t do it. When I copy and paste patterns they sound completely different due to all the alterations I’ve made to the sound I copy/pasted from without changing anything in the new pattern.

So do I have to copy just the pattern from the main menu? Or do I have to copy the track’s and their sounds individually?

So your wording is a little confusing. Are you copying pattern 1 to pattern 2, then going back to pattern 1 and making changes expecting them to transfer to pattern 2?

No, sorry for my wording.

I want to copy an utterly complete pattern from Slot 1 to Slot 2, and in Slot 2 change nothing besides adding an extra snare on certain beats and a bass line.

Everything else I want to remain exactly the same but it doesn’t appear to be working

Perhaps I should completely clear Pattern 2? Maybe when I tried the first time copying over it affects it?

According to this post Sharing sounds and parameters to other patterns

Someone got a reply from a dev and the parameters are pattern saved only.

  1. Hold PTN and press trig 1 + copy (rec button)

  2. Hold PTN and press trig 2 + paste (stop button) - hold all three buttons for 4 secs to confirm.

This should definitely work (copying all patterns and parameters from slot 1 to slot 2).


dont worry too much , ive used lots of elektron gear and sounds / sound pool etc is still confusing as f… , in fact i avoid using them on digitakt (it hasnt got many parameters to deal with) but i definitely need to learn it on Digitone.

even with the manual I’m confused.
i think part of the confusion is your use of ‘Slot’ …i think you mean Pattern / PTN . in fact i started writing an explanation on this reply and confused myself, so i think i’ll let others reply.


There are 4 tracks on Digitone.

On each track you can load a sound (from your sound browser), this is the main sound (parameter setting). You can change parameters every time (when the track is selected) and save your parameters as a sound in the sound browser. (Hold func and rotate level/data encoder to go directly to sound browser as a short cut to load sounds). For saving sound press func + Imp/Exp.

The sound pool is for additional sounds on your 4 tracks. You need to go the sound manager and load some sounds into the soundpool (in sound manager press right arrow, then “copy to” and then “sound pool”). After that you can set sounds from the sound pool on different trigs on the sequenzer. Hold a trig and rotate the level/data encoder to open sound pool and load a sound to a trig.

To manipulate the soundpool trig you always have to keep the trig pushed, otherwise you change the sound from your sound browser (main sound).

So far thats my understanding of the digitone sound files. Hope it makes sense and things easierer :slight_smile:

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I understood all that and have been using that to setup all my drum sounds in a single track. My issue is still copy and pasting an entire pattern to another pattern slot and keeping the parameters intact. For some reason it’s not working for me.

When I get home I’m going to clear the pattern and try and paste it again just as I want it.

On a side note, is there a way to clear a single track?

Func+play when in step record mode. This clears the entire pattern when you’re not in record mode, so be careful!

Yea I found that out the hard way which is why I wanted to make sure.

Wow amazing, that worked! If you could, is that listed anywhere in the manual? Because I never would’ve imagined to just hold down paste without using the FUNC key.

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Copying the complete pattern should definitely work. Just make sure the RECORD led is not lit.

The post you’ve referenced above is about sharing and not copying. Sharing sounds means that changes to a sound in one pattern automatically changes the sound in another pattern. Sharing sounds isn’t possible on Digitakt/Digitone (only on A4, Rytm, Octatrack and the older machines).

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Just looked into the manual and couldn’t find any information about this operation. Seems like this is missing.

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It’s pretty easy to search the manual, FWIW.
And no, it’s not missing:

Patterns, tracks, track pages, and trigs can be copied, pasted and cleared.
You can copy the active pattern to another location in the same bank or another bank. You can not be in GRID RECORDING mode if you want to perform a pattern copy operation. Copy the pattern by pressing [FUNC] + [RECORD]. Select another pattern, and then press [FUNC] + [STOP] to paste the copied pat- tern to this location. Please note that you can only paste to the currently active pattern. Clear a pattern by pressing [FUNC] + [PLAY].

Individual sequencer tracks can be copied, pasted and cleared in the same way as patterns. GRID RE- CORDING mode must be active to perform these operations.

A single track page may also be copied, pasted and cleared. It is similar to copying/pasting/clearing a track, but only a ects the active track page. Select the track page of choice by pressing the [PAGE] key. Copy by pressing [PAGE] + [RECORD]. Select a new track page and press [PAGE] + [STOP] to paste. Press [PAGE] + [PLAY] to clear the active track page.

Trigs, complete with all parameter lock settings, can also be copied, pasted and cleared. GRID RECORD- ING mode needs to be active to access this functionality. Press and hold a trig and press [RECORD] to perform the copy operation. Paste by holding another [TRIG] key and pressing [STOP]. It is also possible to copy more than one trig. Hold several trigs and press [RECORD]. The trig first pressed acts as the starting point. When pasting, the other copied trigs are placed in relation to the trig first pressed. Paste the copied sequence of trigs by holding another [TRIG] key and pressing [STOP]. Clear trig locks by holding one or more trigs and press [PLAY].

You can undo any paste, and clear operation by repeating the key presses.

• It is possible to copy, clear and paste one or several patterns without leaving the active pattern. To copy, press and hold [PTN] + [TRIG] key to select the pattern you wish to copy. Then press [RECORD]. Let go of the [TRIG] key and then press and hold the [TRIG] key(s) to where you want to paste the pattern. Finally, press and hold [STOP] until the count down finishes to paste the pattern(s). To clear, press and hold [PTN] + [TRIG] key(s) to select the pattern(s) you wish to clear. Then press and hold [PLAY] to clear the pattern(s).

Sorry but i can’t find this, even with text search, it’s not getting found in the whole document.

I made it all up.

(But if anyone cares you can find it in the manual at 10.10.6 as I quoted above.)


In the actual manual it looks like this. Do you have the same Version?

Latest manual is here:

Make sure you go to the Support area of the Elektron site rather than just typing “digitone manual” in Google—for some reason the top Google result is an outdated manual from January…