DnB DT off-topic side discussion

Jump around if you have the stamina!

Can’t beat that mid 90s d’n’b…

Junglist Massive! https://youtu.be/-g6Bcenxy-4


We’re not gonna die!

d’n’b killed old school jungle and for that I will never forgive it. jungle was so much better. hardcore amen ragga especially :slight_smile:

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Agreed. Jungle was so dark and moody. DnB is just heavy in a different way.

Hardcore was cool while it lasted, some cool releases in the early years. By the time jungle had turned to DnB though hardcore had passed it best. That late 90s hardcore is awful!


Didn’t like the ragga or MC stuff myself, but really liked the darkstep, unsure about jump up but then tech step brought it right back round to Tekno again!

Got to be careful here but let’s just say I have some ‘acquaintances’ that had that whole scene cornered/locked down and believe me I heard some stories!
There is one bloke that is talentless and ripped his mate off BAAAAD and how he still has legs and teeth is beyond me.
Again though my :zipper_mouth_face:

Gabba screwed hardcore (you know da score).

Keep it on topic in the big popular threads please, there’s a lot of footfall there … ps: Try to keep the language relaxed and welcoming for prospective new members

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totally agreed :slight_smile:

Sorry boss!
Get a bit lax with the profanity of a Friday! Hah!
I’ll edit.

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one of my fav mixtapes from the Chicago scene:


ODB in the d’n’b…


…lots of sweating back in the days … :grin:
i actually ended up trying to make some D&B lately as i needed ‘directions’ to follow to avoid stagnation but mh…i’m still a long way from what good D&B is and sounds to me and it’s actually hard for me to stick to a genre…
…and yess, it is nice to listen to slowed down D&B @rotallytuined :relaxed:

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Yeah whack a slab of wax on the old 1210s and slow it down, really get those chops from the hip hop!
And when you think of the equipment used it’s really quite something.

Bro thank you SO much for posting this. I was racking my brain trying to figure out who we’d listen to as underagers pretending we were at a rave in my friends closet with a strobe light and bad spices.

Why did the lion get lost on the way home?
Because jungle is massif


As far as I remember the Jungle brings the same fresh wind than the rap. Early 90’s were the period of creation and neo-freedom brings by samplers (with si little memory !).
The things I like nowadays is the quality and power of the sound. But it lakes a bit of adventure and such fresh wind.
I’m not those old guys that pretend that it was better before. It was just different, and I really happy with a lot of productions I ear. Just there are less possibility to surprise us, lot of musical experiences had been made. Today we need a gap that will propuls us to the future. This gap will be brought by music instrument (like in 80 & early 90’s) that will change the way to practice and create. I’m just waiting, and have fun with my gear.
Edit : Thx for the time machine, you gave me a “madeleine” for my evening.

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Jungle is what got me into electronic music - was a big hiphop head and DJ until I saw Randal and MixMasterMike play together back in the mid 90s. Blew my mind!!

Still representing with the Whistler Junglists residency in my home town.
We have brought in SS, Bladerunner, Bassline Smith, Kenny Ken, Logisitx, Cyantific just in the past year :slight_smile:

Starting making half time stuff with inspiration from Ivy Lab, and the whole Critical Music records crew.

www.soundcloud.com/riddimfernandez has 70 of my originals up.

Sing it loud its Friday