About using an external controller — can I connect my iRig Keys keyboard directly to the Digitone via USB if I buy a USB adapter (A Female to Mini B Male)? Will that work?
I’ve got my QuNexus plugged into it right now. It’s pretty fun with the pressure / tilt controls. I haven’t gone out of my way to assign a bunch of things yet. Just modulation / pitch wheel. It’s fun to play, but honestly if I want to be productive, and make something I’m going to record, I’m more apt to just use the DN’s buttons. For sitting and playing though I love it. I then have my main controller free for the Blofeld, so I can do some multi-layered playing for fun with the Digitakt providing some percussion.
MIDI. I have the expander for the QuNexus.
Right, but can you not connect it via USB? Oh, I guess not since there’s not bus power…
Yeah, that would likely be the issue there. I haven’t had the Q that long, and haven’t really gone through the manual much. I’ve hooked it up to a few things via CV, and the MIDI expander, but not sure how the USB is implemented. I’ll have to read up on that a bit.
Which CC does “tilt” map to, by default? CC#2 (Breath)?
I’m using a Yamaha Wx7 wind controller…
So far, unseccessfully!
I am looking for a good synth for my wx5. Why doesn’t the wx7 work?
I imagine any of the Elektron synths are amazing with a breath controller such as the WX5/7.
Essentially, you could control 20 different parameters with the five modulation sources available. Even just with breath and modulation, that’s 8 parameters to control.
It all comes down to how those sources are setup, though.
Very few, if any, of the default sounds use the breath controller. With my soundpacks, I tried to make each sound as expressive as possible, but I found most people use velo, pb, mod, and aftertouch more than breath.
So, if your wind controller isn’t working, it’s probably a matter of setting up those modulation targets.
Is anyone controlling the modwheel, aftertouch and breathcontroller parameters of the DN with the DT? Tried to set it up yesterday but it didn’t work…
Help appreciated!
Actually only the pitch bend is working… any ideas?
how do you control the pitchbend? im trying to control aftertouch and pitchbend with midi ccs but no luck so far
I think it’s not possible without an external device. Because PB and AT need a different type of midi message called midi event.
Not sure but from what I remember it was working out of the box… Will try next time I sit with the machines and will let you know
That would be great. I hope it’s possible!
Now in front of the DN. You can control the PB, AT, MW, BC on the SYN1 page of the midi track and use midi feedback into DN.
But i can´t find any midi cc number for PB and AT in the manual.
thanks! I was thinking that may be the case. then no need for midi ccs. sounds great! I’ll check it in a moment
Yes no midi CC for these parameters and no recording on midi tracks from external keyboard either. every sequencer has his limitations but would be great in a new os update