Elektronauts! I need your help incorporating a new TR-09 with Elektrons

I used to have an aggregate device that involved a TR-8, a System-1 and Scarlett 18i8. I ran the RYTM and A4 simultaneously using Overbridge and it all hung together just fine. As pointed out above, the aggregate device didn’t bring any new latency to the table.


Thanks! Will give it a try :slight_smile:

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Hi Alastair, so have tried setting up an aggregate device, none of the TR-09 inputs are audible, until i change Ableton’s input setting to just ‘TR-09’

Thanks for your suggestions, it seems that I need to talk to someone that is using one of the boutique range, as they configured the TR-8 differently. Apparently to make the boutique range more accessible.

Roland UK have taken 2 days to reply to one email, and refuse to let me speak to anyone on the phone. Roland US are just as unhelpful - wouldn’t put me through to anyone that knew any details of the product whatsoever, and quoted 2-3 days for an email that may be of any use… 0 out of 10 Roland!

Virus TI USB audio was more straight forward than this, and that really is saying something!

Dave is everything in your aggregate device running at the same sample rate, because that is crucial

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Thanks for your reply Alistair :slight_smile:
I’ve checked and the boutiques have to run at 44.1k as some users struggled with the Tr-8 requiring 96k

So I’ve made sure both soundcard and Tr-09 are set to 44.1k in the aggregate settings

I know the data is being sent, as I can record the audio when tr-09 is set to be the main input for Ableton. However as soon as I set the input to be aggregate it can’t see the signal

Are you sure your selecting the right input? In audio midi setup when you click on the aggregate it will show to the right the configuration and which new channel #'s belong to each channel of each device.
Also may help to make sure one device, usually sound card, is set to internal clock, and enable the drift checkbox on all other devices, this sets one device as clock master and ensures sample accurate playback between devices…

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Hi Mike, thanks for your reply - within Ableton when you select an audio track’s input it drops down a menu which displays all inputs - with gain meters, and there isn’t a signal coming in on any of the 20 available.

I’ve made sure to set the soundcard is the internal clock, and drift is checked too.

Seems to be some problem with the aggregate device but can’t figure out what that is!

Is it possible you could post a screenshot of your audio settings in Ableton?

A post was split to a new topic: How to sync TR-09 to Octatrack?

I had same problems. Using TR09 via usb with separate outs cannot make it work. Somehow you need to select as main audio hub which doesnt make sense.

I only use the audio out and split the stereo channels to 2*mono in the unit itself.

Furthermore when using usb as power source and audio I also get some high noise feedback from speakers.

I somebody know how to setup the seperate put via usb without whitenoise please advise. For now i see the unit only usable from main outs.

Thanks Alistair - will do when I’m next in the studio :slight_smile:

I’m in communications with Roland Support about setting this up so will post once I know more.

I don’t own a TR-09 specifically, but experience with the Roland Boutique JU-06 tells me that they are prone to white noise when powered solely by USB. I use the ground splitter thing from a Beatstep Pro which splits the cable to a power source to ground the unit and to the computer to transfer audio/data.

I am not sure if you can buy those splitters separately.

What does this cable look like ?

Is it something like this ?

No, it looks like the adapter on the left in this picture. But I should imagine the device in the link you posted would do a good job too.

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The one you posted wouldn’t work with the TR-09 as it’s the wrong USB size though

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Yeah you’re right. How does the Arturia one work though? To what is it grounded? Looks more like a splitter

One end goes to the computer, the other to AC Power to eliminate ground loops

I use one of these to isolate the ground loop

Gave up on using USB to record, As much as I’d like to. Resulting additional latency made it unusable in my config

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Ah ok I get it now. I have a TB-03 on loan from a friend. I did notice it was quite noisy. Seems bizarre Roland haven’t included something like this with it. I find it difficult to believe they didn’t hear this noise themselves during R&D on these boutiques. At the very least they could of just added a DC in let with an adapter. It’s good to now all this. I really had my eye on a TR-08. This would be a deal breaker