External input - gain/level control - where is it?

anyone find this yet? it seems to just barely pass audio through with no adjustment.

I couldn’t find it but have now trouble getting a very loud signal from my MNM with an insert type cable.

anyone get any solutions on external input yet?

Nope, last I heard on the subject was this thread

bummer. thx for the link.

Works for me with an external (old Behringer Eurorack) mixer, for mixing the individual outs, also using some external effects. (also adding some degration to the signal quality, but this may also be counted as extra fx…)

With this I get a suitable level on the RYTM’s external input, using a standard-type stereo split cable.

hi there. i had to mess with the compressor levels a lot in order to get the input channel on the AR NOT duck out external inputs … right now i wish i could turn off the compressor entirely, just not to have to worry about sound design, but learn the architecture of the AR

Turn mix all the way to the left and the compressor is effectively off.

An external input with no gain. What a joke that is, oh dear

Works great with line level equipment…

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Hello Standingwave. It doesn’t with my Digitakt feeding the Analog Rytm, but the other way round works fine so something is amiss. I wasn’t plugging a microphone or a guitar into the Analog Rytm. NTL an input without gain is naff. It’s not like it’s a budget device

If you gain stage your drum kit in proportion with the external input, it’ll sound great.

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Nah it’s far too quite for that to work, and that would mess up the gain staging going into the Master Bus processing too.

I should add…that I have been a professional sound engineer for 25 years, started in the analog days, so I know going staging really well :slight_smile: There is something amiss, perhaps it is a fault, not sure yet.

It’s just a passive input at line level. :man_shrugging:
Maybe there is something wrong with your unit, or you’re really pushing into you master bus harder than me.
I tend to really come into my master with a lot of headroom from the individual channels and use output gain and compression to bring it up. More control that way (and generally sounds better)
To me, the fact that your line level input is coming up quiet would point to an overall gain staging issue or, potentially, a hardware malfunction.

I don’t really use MB comp on the AR or DT, there are quite a few other instruments in the setup so in one way that doesn’t make much sense. Most of the time it’s used in an improvisational live performance way with other instruments and people and it’s not easy to find one setting on the comp that works throughout. Plus I have a full pro studio which has nice outboard and software for MB processing if I wanted to do somethong more finished. I appreciate you input SW, thanks but I think if you heard it you say WTF! :slight_smile:

All the best mate

I gainstaged the Rytm by sending a sine wave through a mixer aux at 0dbvu into Ext in, then adjusted Rytm comp makeup gain to either 12 or 24 until the output showed 0dbvu. I believe makeup gain at 0 attenuates the signal

All Rytm individual outs go through mixer before being sent back into Ext in at 0dbvu along with any other signals I want to combine

So far I haven’t had any issues feeling like external sources are too quiet when mixed with the Rytm tracks

Hope it helps!

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