Hat tricks!

Hey folks, I’m struggling BIG TIME with making these hats sound usable. Is there any tips people have for tweaking the analog hats to make them sound better?

I think everyone struggles with hats cause of the lack of controls! Couple things I like doing are laying down some trigs, then live record manual changes of the tone and decay for a more natural feeling without sacrificing the lfo. Setting the lfo to delay send can add a nice rhythmic offset, quite dub feeling.

googling this search string,

site:elektronauts.com analog rytm hats

yielded this:

yep, that was a real d*ck move on E’s side.

@E: You’ve got a nice product here, it is seriously below you to censor/delete threads that dare to question this. Moderators should refuse to exec these kind of book-burning delete orders (sry for pulling a godwin).

On topic: Use samples or even the SD synths through the analog high-pass filter, use bit reduction, … hats are not really a problem.

huh, no that was just me who deleted the thread, Elektron has nothing to do with it.
Or do you believe in Santa? :wink:

It was one of the worse threads in recent history with people throwing shit at each other left & right. The reason for deletion had nothing to do with discussion of hi hat synthesis.

Whatevs… The new (linked) thread has great hat tips.

huh? whats the problem with hihats?..what analog drummachine is doing decent hats without using “samples”…?

Roland TR-606

Roland TR-606[/quote]

This! The best sounding hihats of all the Roland machines.

@void: If that’s the case I take it back. Apparently I missed the part where the thread derailed. I do remember that it had some good tips, though. Isn’t it possible for you to edit offensive posts ? Deleting entire threads seems a bit drastic.

Anyways, yeah, the 606 hihats are very nice. The AR’s own hihat synthesis is actually quite good, too. The cymbal sound works better as an open hihat than the actual open hihat, IMHO (use the exponential ramp down LFO in one shot mode, routed to “CYCL:Level1”).

I guess what people are missing is some diversity but let’s not forget that practically every analog drum machine has a certain sound.
Personally, I don’t have a problem with replacing an analog oscillator with a sample (e.g. whitenoise or FM sounds for hihats).
The rest of the signal path still remains analog so this still sounds very different to replaying samples on a computer, for example.

Check the files section on this board for my contribution to the (deleted) OT, some ideas for doing hihats for you there…

Great point BSP,
Diversity is hard to achieve in analog hat synthesis. 606, Tanzbar… Sure they have great hats but little diversity.

Though, I have a feeling Elektron is listening to these threads (especially the ones that turn up again and again) and will throw us some analog hat spice in an update some day. Lots of empty parameters to populate.

Until then, Acidlab Drumatix hat samples (check the files section for my sample chain) layered with Rytm’s own hats/cymbals with clever LFO certainly do the trick, at least for me.

Just an idea I haven’t tried yet… Can’t you generate a sinus with the filter resonance and then get FM freq LFO to destroy it and get a wide range of sounds out of it ?

Has anyone tried ?
(wish my AR was next to me. Or better, that I was close to my AR)

My theory is that they sell off a bunch of MDs before they drop the crazy.

My theory is that they sell off a bunch of MDs before they drop the crazy. [/quote]
Seeing as how they’re all back-ordered for a couple weeks, hopefully any day now :slight_smile:

So I tried tonight :
MUL : x2k (or .2k, feels different)
FAD : short
WAV : tri
DEP : ajust
ATT : 0
DEC : long
SUS/REL : max
FRQ : max
RES : 30
ENV : 0
I don’t know what a good hat is in you guys mind.
But I could definitely add some transient with this.
And change the sound of it.
Key is not get too deep on the filter
But light touches bring some different character to it.
I’m still not close to MD. But still, it’s fun to see other areas opened.
One can use a different target as well.

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