Help me suss out some gas - Ot is in the clear

and not only just a thing, it seriously kicks ass. sounds like a standup bass. my buddy has one and you almost do a double take. check this shit out:


wow. I tried to be funny, now I’m stoked about ukulele bass


too much analog poly ukuleles around


Strings are really weird, like rubber bungee cords. But it’s very playable.

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off topic but here is a super cool double bass in a trio playing Joyspring, Portinho on the drums laying it down …

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Ironically from just a few days ago:

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Whoa dude. Reign it in. Jumping from unnecessary synth gas to ukuleles is fine but this is too far. :laughing:


Well getting back to it,…have been looking at a4 mk2 videos (which i have been avoiding because i know i am weak) and am pretty convinced that i need it. Will be giving the dark duo a serious workout this week. Have them on a stand and pedalboard so i can move anywhere in the house and just plug in one extension cord.

I found no single video or demo that made me wish to upgrade the a4.
Sound pretty similar to me

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It’s more the better layout, screen, individual outputs (i like guitar pedals), new fancy performance knob, etc.

But jesus… This would be my 4th ar (on my second plus had an ak).

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For me personally this “no computer thing” is much more related to being 9-10 working hours already behind large screens with keyboard and mouse (software developer). I make music just for recreational reasons and having fun doing it, but starting up the audio machine at home feels then always like work …


Yes, the A4MKII is quite a beauty and the usability additions are great. I’m still in the honey-moon phase with it.

Of course, sound-wise it’s almost the same. But, hey, otherwise it wouldn’t be an A4, isn’t it? :slight_smile:

My GAS is focused at the moment on the OTMKII, so I can record and overdub patterns from the A4 without using the computer for that simple task and with the increased mobility.

Absolutely understandable.
I usually have more fun hardware myself and i also spent lot of time on computers anyway.
My point is: you don’t diss people using a laptop and tell them that they are doing it wrong

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Preach. I’m all for people doing music whichever way brings them the most joy.


Don’t question my process of questioning other people’s processes! :smiley:


You mean in general? Don’t remember reading something about dissing computers on this thread. I just prefer not to, for me, at the moment.

But i’m fluid. For about a year i was all about doing EVERYTHING in the ipad. But controllers are additional and i have never had a high dollar one that feels like a synth, knobs are always crappy, too light…when i play the ot or other elektron my controller is integrated and i like the feel of everything. But my 2 favorite electronic music producers (recondite And max cooper,…and christian loffler for the most part) do it all in the box. And they sound amazing. Power to whatever gets your juices flowing.

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Of course, in general :slight_smile: This thread is cool.

we have a very similar taste it seems :slight_smile:

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don’t question me questioning your process of questioning other people’s processes!
Let’s play this game forever :slight_smile:


My process of questioning people’s processes is only to determine what processor they are using… :rofl: