How does Overbridge multitracking make sense?


(I don’t have an AR right now. I might have one in the future, that’s why I am asking this. I have an A4)

There has been some word about have awesome is to record all tracks from AR+A4 via overbridge into daw, then work on these tracks afterwards.
This sounds like a beautiful idea+workflow. But somehow I cannot make sense of it. My issue is that very frequently the built-in send effects in these instruments are an inherent part of the perceived timbre. But if you multi-track record, the send effects just get mixed into one common return track, and you cannot work with these recorded tracks… You have to record tracks one-by-one after all in the end.


Well, thereis no way to record the wet & dry sounds per-voice via the analog output jacks either. The indiouts send the voices out dry as well. So, recording via OB makes as much sense as any other method.

Overbridge brings a lot of other perks to the table as well, like using your voices for processing your DAW signals, sound library management (sample management coming in a later update), DAW sync, latency compensation, automation etc. Once you’ve used the AR as an 8 channel mixer with multimode filter and overdrive per channel, you will realize a lot of madness can be done with it. How about mixing your favourite VSTs with the analog synthesis for example? :sunglasses:

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Your assumption is correct.

I single track using the main outs but it’s still not the same since there’s no interplay. I suppose an effects only track would be cool. Also I’m bad at tracking as it is so I’m curious to see what others say.

In the end I perform live most of the time and use ob to capture that. It’s still pretty useful.

a video tutorial using the I/O and the sidechain options via OB would be great !

Sorry, I don’t do videos, but check out cenk’s overbridge videos on youtube.

Sidechain? There is no sidechain input on the AR, not even via overbridge. The sidechain as referred on the compression section only applies the same signal in bandlimited form for keying the compression action, there is no way to give it a separate signal.

I think the question may relate to this aspect discussed recently

oo, haven’t noticed that before! thanks, will look into it. Any idea what it does?

Having a single wet only FX track really isnt a huge disadvantage if you know what you are doing. One would likely want to high shelf EQ all FXs in many cases anyway. Granted using all three FXs could make this tricky.

If someone doesnt like limitations I suggest they work in a DAW.

Honestly as it stands even if Overbridge isnt perfect yet its kind of a revolution. When I want more control I just multitrack one track at a time wet and dry. But I rarely care abput that kind of control.

Overbridge makes perfect sense to a seasoned hardware user: ie limitations

One can always just use aux sends in their daw and vst fx…

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Well, way back when the plugins used to work (mostly) in Max, it was a way to send Computer Audio through the Analog filters … nice !! Shame that the vst and au are no go for me now, so I don’t use at all :zonked:

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ahh ok, thanks for the clarification. Was confused about the term sidechain being used there.

I do this by using my AR as a sound card, haven’t tried other methods yet.

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I’m completely confused about sending audio via ableton into the AR and the AR filters and overdrive and back into ableton for recording?
How does one do this?
I’ve set up Bd as the track on side chain and send the audio clip into the ar and all i am getting is static noise and the filter when tracking back into ableton?
(on mac with AU overbridge plug in 1.5)

IIRC you need to have the seq in playmode and trig it once, not at my rytm right now.