How to change patterns via MIDI

Yeah I don’t know about that…I can’t remember the last time I used an NRPN for anything, maybe back in the 90s :joy:

Life’s just too short IMHO - if it’s not on CC then it’s probably not worth my time to use it. I think NRPNs are an artifact of the days when manufacturers felt obligated to be compatible with General MIDI first and other features took a lower priority.

hm… looking at this now I don’t even know why I bothered with NRPN to begin with, lol.

I’m going to attempt to change patterns via midi from my MDUW to A4. I just want the pattern change information from my MDUW to link to the A4 - so pattern A1 to A2 on the MDUW will make the A4 follow suit. According to the text that came with the 1.06 upgrade this should be possible.

“Program change can now be sent or received changing or enqueueing the corresponding pattern. Enabling is done is the GLOBAL - MIDI CONFIG - MIDI SYNC menu. Configuration of the MIDI channels is done in the GLOBAL - MIDI CONFIG - MIDI CHANNEL menu”.

It worked. Changing patterns on the MDUW will change patterns on the A4 - 1:1 match. This works very well for my workflow as I generally like short 16 step drum patterns with lots of fill patterns and 64 step synth patterns.
I set both machines to receive and send program change information, and set both machines to utilze channel 10 for this function. They linked up beautifully.
Aside… since my machinedrum patterns are only 16 steps and my A4 patterns 64 steps, I was concerned that it would change the A4 pattern prior to it’s completion. This is not the case, it’ll wait until after the 64 step to change… no timing issues here:)

I assume that channel 10 does not send midi notes to A4? Is it true? Since we don’t want midi notes to be send to A4, only midi program change… so what trig or cc do you send to the A4? maybe you could explain this a little better since we have only two hands to play our nice machines! :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway thank you!

How do I find out the OS version on my A4? It doesn’t show on the screen on startup. I’m desperate to change patterns over MIDI from my OT - everyone keeps telling me it’s possible but it doesn’t work for me. Do I need to upgrade the OS? Only bought the machine about 2 months ago!

It’s been awhile since I was on this site. Sorry I didn’t get back to you. Did you figure out what you want yet? If not, let me know, and I’ll see if I can help.

It’s been awhile since I was on this site. Sorry I didn’t get back to you. Did you figure out what you want yet? If not, let me know, and I’ll see if I can help.
Didn’t achieved the task, cause been away for a while… maybe a graphical scheme would be nice. anyway thank you mate!

Hey man, I’m surprised this isn’t working for you. First, make sure you have the latest OS for the analog FOUR. The program change feature was in one of the OS upgrades. After you’ve updated it, you should be able to select receive program change messages in the global menu. I set the channel to 10, but it doesn’t have to be. Then I set the machinedrum to send program change messages, and the channel to 10 and it worked out fine. One thing I’ve noticed, the program change works fine within banks (AtoD) or (EtoH), but if your going from pattern D16 to E1 - it won’t do the program change. For the changes that happen when a bank button is required, you’ll still have to do that manually.

To the questioner above : the OS version is briefly shown bottom right on the initial splash screen (nothing about this in the manual) !

I feel fool…but-…how i do change patterns on A4 from OT???


No one??! come onnnn, plissssss!!

It Does work for me.
From D16 to E1 without any problem.

Everything fine now.
From this another thread i’ve got the ultrasimple solution!

Can I do it sending program change information from A4 to MD?

Can I do it sending program change information from A4 to MD?[/quote]

Hopefully the discussion in the thread you created has answered your question:

Hey folks, I’m trying to send program changes from MD to A4 (through MPC 1000 and DSI P12M, if that matters), figured I’d jump on this thread. Changing Programs on MD is not changing Programs on A4. Here’s what I’m doing:

MD Settings–OS 1.53C
Control Base Channel: 10-13 (not sure if this matters, or is setting the MIDI channel to 10, as discussed above)
Control Prog Change: Out
Sync Temp Out: On
Sync CTRL Out: On

A4 Settings–OS1.22
MIDI Sync–Clock Receive, Transport Receive, Prog Ch Receive: all checked
MIDI Config–
Input From : MIDI + USB
Receive CC/NRPN: checked
MIDI Channel–Prog Ch In Ch: 10

Uhm, I think that covers the pertinent settings that come to mind. MPC is changing Sequences, no problem. Sincere apologies if this has been covered elsewhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The MD the channel where program change messages are sent is left to BASE (i.e. 10 in your case)? (under Global > Control > PRG Change). How do you connect the MD to the A4? Program change messages go out the MD MIDI OUT (not THRU) - which needs to be fed into the A4 MIDI IN for this to work.

Just to answer a solution that seems a lot more simple than some answers, and get things clear in case anyone is looking this up as I have been today.

In order to sync pattern changes made manually or in arrangement mode on the Octatrack (OT) when connected to other Elektron gear, the way to do it with MIDI SYNC is as follows.

On your OT, set the following in MIDI SYNC
PROG CH > Ch 16

On your Rytm/A4/DT/DN etc, set the following:
May vary slightly, but same principle applies - I am refering to a Rytm MKII menu.



Often the AUTO channel seems to be set differently by default on various Elektron gear. Also Clock and Transport apparently interfered. Anyway, this is what sorted it for me. Hope that helps!


Beware, MIDI > SYNC > Prog Change > AUTO setting IS NOT AUTO CHANNEL, but the lowest audio midi channel not shared with a midi track channel. :scream:
I use channel 16 too.