How to use Korg Volca series with the Octatrack

Hello everyone, I am very new here and have loads of questions. I purchased an Elektron Trinity and a bit overwhelmed by the learning curve. My question for this post is about the Octatrack and how or where to connect my Korg Volca series. I also have the Analog Four and Machinedrum and was wondering what would be the best way to connect all my gear together…

My intentions and artistic need is to use the Volca Series with any of my Elektron machines. I have managed to get the Midi to sync with them but can not seem to figure how to get the audio to play correctly. I have a 1/4 TRS balanced cables but for the volca boxes I have to use the 1/8th and then adapter to 1/4. I am able to hear the sound from the volca in one speaker only. Is there a way to change so my 4 Octactrak "inputs each play stereo or at least Right and Left speakers?..Sigh sorry for being so lost. I got all 3 boxes around the same time and really struggle.

Thanks for any help.

Ouch… I can imagine it being pretty overwhelming introduction to elektron getting all 3 boxes at once! Definitely a 1st world problem tho :wink:
If you want to midi sync volca and have its audio routed in to OT you need to use a ‘thru machine’ otherwise you’ll find yourself with this ‘audio in one speaker only’. If you look through the OT forum there’s a recent thread covering this exact thing. I’ll dig link out for you in a minute :wink:
With the Octatrack I’d maybe suggest disconnecting everything else and concentrating solely on OT and the manual and videos etc until you have the OT sussed. Especially for someone new to ‘the elektron ways’ :wink: Only takes a few sessions really before you know enough to feel confident with most routine functions.

And also if you use a stereo y-cable from the volca to OT you will achieve stereo monitoring naturally. But this obviously will consume 2 inputs instead of one. So I guess it depends how much stuff you want to connect :wink:

I use a Y-cable from my Volcas and only plug one big mono jack in the OT.
This way I get 2 Volcas, 1 Shruthi and 1 Blofeld in the 4 inputs of OT.

Then I have 4 Thru tracks configured like it is said in the topic callofthevoid pointed out.
And 4 MIDI tracks for arps, plocks and 64 steps sequencing.

Just use that 1/8 in cable and buy yourself a stereo 1/8 in female to 1/4 mono male adapter. Monitor a single input (ex. “A”) and you’re good, plus have room for three more!

Hello friends!

I have a little problem with volca connected to octa.
When I turn effect knobs for example if on one of the tracks that doesn’t control volca keys I turn “send” on dark reverb it effects my volca keys and changes parameters like cut off and EG.
Why is it happening?

Your OT sends midi cc messages that control your Volcas, I assume. Open project menu, go to midi -> set audio cc out to ‘int’. Also set audio note out to ‘int’. This setting controls if the trig keys on audio trackd will send midi notes.


Thanks a bunch!!!

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