I am missing the former spirit of elektron-users.com :-(

Yeah we got more cabinet makers than a lumber yard on theold forum

but atleast n00bs and the in-experienced were respectful.

Its not bad here, especially compared with GS were for the first time on any forum I had to put 2 dipshits on ignore.

So, we all agree that we need new/more moderators.
But how can Elektron handle this? Do they have enough staff?
And if so, would they all come from Sweden with the same time zone?

I think we really don’t need new moderators. We just need the old ones back!!!

Moderators shouldn’t have to be employees. Most large forums pull moderators from the userbase.

Yes, I agree! So why not ask the old moderators, tIB, papertiger and the rest of the gang? I don’t know if they would. But did Elektron ever ask?

moderating is certainly a community service requiring extra time and energy… Jon being here is awesome… the mods from EU were fantastic - i presumed they would be mods here, without question, but then again, i am guessing not all of them would have the time.

edit: i must say, i do miss TiB very much, he was (and still is, i imagine) such a jolly magnificent fellow.

and Paptertiger introduced me to Fennesz’ “Venice” … awesome!

support? Jon + Thomas support

Oh, i missed that post. Thanks for telling me.

Well no answer is an answer. What a shame!

Weren’t things already changing on the old forum?

In my eyes there’s a change in attitude across the web, at least on the social media, fora and blogs/comments that I read. I see it on the news and notice it among my friends and relatives, the world is becoming more grim, aggressive, unstable and unhappy. A lot of complaining, outsmarting eachother, “dumbing down” and an overal lack of punctuation.

I think there’s nothing you can do, but be the change you want. (this posts looks like something out of a self-help brochure) Anyhoe, there’s useful information, beautiful music and fun out there in the elektronauts crowd. Just try to live with all the ignorance and frustration that others surround it with.

Peace and love!

I’m missing the spam messages about Kitchen renovations

Perhaps the difference is that we’re all talking/arguing about new products much of the time instead of digging deeper into the Elektron machines we’ve had for years and sharing the knowledge? Elektron has been very busy the last year or so, with 3 new machines, so the focus has subtly shifted to us being Elektron Consumers rather than Users. :wink:

In the words of Stephen King - “The world has moved on…” As have i in fact. Elektron has become a bigger player now and there are more users to have a say and they are not from the old user base. Some are cool others are not - but thats just the internet IMO. I check in to have a look but i have not much interest in the new products and (as ever) little to offer anyway. DIY bits and new modular setup are where i’m at. Its not the same as EU but that was, as mentioned before, moving on too and changing for the worst.

I’m new to elektron gear, but I have to say, looking back, I don’t think their gear is “worse”…is the A4 considered a “new” product?

I think it holds it’s own in the current synth arena. Is it the best, of course not, but then again, “best” is a subjective term and money is a factor for most (as is preferred workflow). :slight_smile:

That being said, no reason to bash people that have good or bad opinions about elektron. Objective parties like myself probably see merit to both. :wink:

What types of discussions did the old EU forum have that this one lacks?

I’d like to see some of you guys who were around back in the EU forum days bring forth some of these long lost stimulating conversations. Personally, I didn’t come to Elektron until after the EU forum was locked down, and the search function on that site renders it useless. I’m sure there are a ton of new(ish) users, with the release of all the new machines, that would go bananas for some really deep, rich tutorials or lab projects.

These boxes are so deep and “modular”, I’d love to see how really advanced users unlock the potential behind the more obvious functions, but how do you ask questions about things you aren’t even aware of yet? Know what I mean?

For example; I recently read a post about the MNM, and people were talking about turning the FILTER TRACKING off, so the synth has more balls. Everyone was going on about how important that tip is, and how lots of people probably never really heard the full potential of the MNM because they may not have known that one tip.

All the while not saying where to turn it off at lol. A little frustrating, I know. Tip: it’s under the joystick setup :zonked:

This was one of the things I liked about E-U when I first joined, especially after watching Ableton Forum gradually attract more and more entitled whiners and BLOCK CAPS COMPLAINERS etc.
I haven’t noticed anything too bad on here apart from todays homophobia/racism post from someone, which was clearly not on. The biggest omission on here is the lack of :next level: and :knowledge dropped: smileys :wink:

I think the reality is that elektron is reaching a wider audience now than it did back in the “good old days” so there are more people [myself included] who just got into elektron gear looking for a foot in the door to the complex under-the-surface stuff as opposed to old pros who can drop science.

I also think now that elektron is reaching more people there are a fair few people who pick up a couple machines based on hype cos they’re supposed to be this rad thing and then get bummed out on “limitations” or that they don’t do some specific “obvious” thing right out of the box. Its the difference between explorers who want to twiddle knobs and make shit from scratch and kids who want a new toy to make music for them on some “I paid a lot of money for this so it should be easy” shit. That’s life.

For myself I caught the elektron bug hard after picking up a machinedrum a while back and I now own all four machines [I may pass on the RYTM when it drops but that’s a discussion for another time/ place]. whatever their "limitations’ may be they work great for my purposes and while i’m not a pro yet i’m having a lot of fun finding my way.

If you want a better world/ board:
Old heads, be forthcoming with knowledge and patient with the noobs.
Noobs, be respectful and learn your shit. When you gain knowledge pass that shit down.

Racism, homophobia and shit talk is whack… take that shit to the comments on youtube.

Every place is a peculiar place. So this goes to Elektron-Users and Elektronauts.

I like this, i am lucky i didn’t encounter those bad posts…cos i get angry quick but soon remain reflections instead of rage…and i agree about what is happening on global scale. Infact here i see a lot mooore people asking for obvious things that are already written in the manual coming with the box…
Music is not evolving to a state where it is more–simple-to-do-becuase-of-technology…it’s just evolving----------so our habits should too (in regards of technology/machines).

But i also understand (happens to me too) that some tiny functions can be missed…and patience is a clever way to evolve.

Big love to the Elektronauts and Not , because We are some part of this going-multiform-music-generation (age doesn’t apply here=)


My view is this: I enjoyed E-U while I was there, and I’m enjoying Nauts now. It kind of mirrors the new generation of Elektron boxes - the black boxes, because without these changes and updates, the only thing we had to look forward to in the Elektron universe is…stagnation. I kind of prefer vitality to stagnation, so it’s all good…

Science Labs were probably my favourite part of the Elektron-Users site. They would get people creating music and sharing, which I find so much more fulfilling than taking part in endless debates.

In spirit of this thread, I have created an Octatrack Science Lab thread:

OT Science Lab: Remix the Worst Band Ever

Hopefully we will see more Science Labs in the future.

+1. I’ve been considering setting up a MnM Science Lab but I’m about to go out of town, so it seemed a little silly to make one I won’t participate in :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: