I have been looking for 1/ 4 inch to 1/8 inch insert cables for my A4, I got tired of looking after local shops here didn’t have them, wouldn’t make them and the lazy people at RadioShack wouldn’t make a pair or two either. I haven’t soldered in years…like 20 something years so, I am willing to pay or if anyone has a link from anyone anywhere. I don’t care if it is someone supplying of the other end of t he world honestly.
I am really trying to avoid using adapters on the end of the cables because of the weight on my modules and also the weight on the A4s inputs.
Thanks for any help in advance;)
couple of threads here to get you goin’ - i did my own >
Daren does lots of fixes/mods >
Hey! Good lookin out on the insert cables. As much as I would like to get more into soldering and DIY stuff, I am up to my ears in other things and I cant even think about DIY without a headache coming on.
You did a great job with your cables! peace
Made my own, really only took a half an hour all told.