Introducing Digitakt

No and no. No confirmation yet.

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A few posts up Jon confirms samples are mono only, but you can pan them. I can’t see much point in recording in stereo if the samples are then converted to mono taking away any stereo effect…

You could obviously use 2 tracks for 2 panned mono samples but this surely defeats the object of stereo sampling in any traditional sense… or maybe I’m missing a trick ? but if it was possible I’m sure they’d be shouting about it now, in the wake of a fully fledged DAW like sampler about to drop.

I just cant see what the point of stereo sampling would be tho, as the units sample handling is confirmed multiple times to be mono ?

I guess The L and R are for 2 different input sources ? Or a cheeky bonus somewhere down the line… but for now, it’s mono and proud.

EDIT - it’s mono because it’s aimed at percussion and this is clearly how they intend most of us to use it.

Stereo sampling would make sense if there is an easy way to play them back and manipulate them by pairing up two tracks (if the OS is designed with this functionality in mind). I’m actually looking for a sampler I can use to quickly sample cassette tapes, and I want it to sample in stereo to maintain the stereo image of a lot of the cool samples from the 80’s I’ve found. This is the one deciding factor for me with regards to the DT at this point. If it is confirmed that it will easily handle and manipulate stereo samples, I’d preorder one right now.

^ I hear ya, it’s certainly a nice thing to have…

but the samples as far as anyone official has said, are 100% converted to mono. That means the original stereo effect you want to retain will have already been summed to mono… 2 panned mono samples will give you stereo flexibility, but they will be just that… 2 brand new converted mono samples.

I think :blush:

Vaguely recall mono samples being confirmed way up the thread? Maybe they’ll add stereo sampling…

But if DT is their ‘budget box’ and labelled as a drum sampler etc, and it already beats OT on conditional trigs, faster workflow etc… I’d guess they’re gonna wanna focus it away from OT as much as they can elsewhere so as not to kill too many OT sales. Until OT2 comes along it seems like the OT is still gonna be their flagship/‘do it all’ sampler, judging by pricing. Just a shame it doesn’t have conditional trigs!

19 posts were split to a new topic: Using 2 mono tracks for stereo effect

will it be able to achieve some form of granular synthesis? :pray:

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Check out the Gotharman Little Deformer, Anomono X, or Fuzion. Spendy, but so much awesome granular possibilities you can’t find elsewhere. I have my targets set on the Fuzion to pair with my Anamono X so I can work with stereo samples.


I have confidence there will be some tasty secret sauce in the pipeline with reguards to how DT handles its “mono” samples. :sunny:

EDIT - I meant to add, full on Elektron style Granular would be a clever direction to take DT down its own path.

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the intention is planned, just awaiting some DT demo vids

On a slightly different tip from the current conversation, do you think we will see more of Digitakt before Superbooth?.

I recently listened to the 1st Feb NAMM catchup from Sonicstate, and Nick Batt (who seems to know Cenk quite well) mentioned we probably wouldn’t see anything new until Superbooth.

Superbooth is 20th - 22nd April, so that mentioned April release date seems kinda strange in that context.

Anyone else concerned about the possible lack of Song mode on DT (based on front panel)? MIDI tracks have me interested, but I’ll probably pass if Song mode has been cut.


damn sweet toys! (expensive too)

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So worth it imo. I’d rather spend hundreds more to be able to do “next-level” granular things to my samples than have multiple more affordable devices that can’t dream of doing the same things.

Yeah man, It’s Deffo all about the gear : )

Great discussion about the mono to stereo concepts, moved to a new thread: Using 2 mono tracks to create a stereo signal


I’m still unclear as to whether or not the DT is capable of recording two different mono samples simultaneously or not. Do we know for certain it can’t? If it can, yes, you can just manually assign the two different mono samples (that are the L and R signals of the stereo signal) to two different tracks and boom, you have stereo. Not knowing basic shit like this has gotten so annoying, I almost dislike the DT at this point. It’s just this annoying thing I know almost nothing about. I’m getting a Gotharman Fuzion instead dammit.

We don’t know yet.

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Why would there be a stereo input if it automatically sums both channels?

You know, it seems totally logical, but Elektron doesn’t always implement the most logical features. Such as the ability to edit the starting points of samples on the RYTM with precision, or the ability to send midi note data from a DAW to the midi out port of the AH. You would think that if the DT did indeed have the ability to record two mono samples simultaneously it would have been clarified by an Elektron representative by now. I wouldn’t give Elektron the benefit of the doubt, and assume they’d do what I perceive is logical. This is based upon past experiences.