Introducing Digitakt

Sound, workflow and design.
While running the Elektron sequencer for both audio and midi, with crazy tempo changes…
I bought it, cause I do believe, from what I’ve seen so far, that it will make OT look old :smile:


yes, i think the same

The question that strives me:
as the DT can have a own BPM setting per pattern, which is more than great for me !
what do you guys think how good will other gear track those BPM changes when in sync slave mode ?
lets say some gear on the better side of midi implementation.
Big question for me

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And this is part of the point. OT pricing is great in the UK at the moment with £999 available online. Those considering £659+€79 for DT plus OB will be looking at how close they are to current OT pricing.

But looking at the unlit buttons, the LCD, the lack of digital audio outs, the LEDs… it’s hard not to wish for a more modern stereo loop and slicing machine. No disrespect to the OT (which is just great), but that OLED screen, backlit buttons and clear layout of the DT just look so tempting.

I looked very carefully at this choice and for me, I’m excited for DT. I think it will be an awesome beat machine and sequence tool for electronica.

Those more into fast slicing and sampling stereo loops - well the choice clearly would be to go for OT or consider some other manufacturer’s offer.


If Volca Sample & Octatrak’s had a love child… It would look like Digitakt. “Volcatakt”


19 posts were merged into an existing topic: What’s next for Elektron?

13 posts were split to a new topic: Should I buy a Korg ESX-1?

The DT can kind of be thought of as like a customizable groovebox.

Of course, friend! Any Elektron sampler, drum machine, or synth is capable of AE’s style of “f*cked up and beautiful.”
The “magic” isn’t in the gear, though. AE would be AE (and have been AE) even without advanced realtime re-sampling, p-locking or whatever.

In fact, the DT might be the perfect piece of gear to get that old-school AE sound. Load up some R8 drum samples, raw waveforms, and have at it! All that old stuff was simple, synth, sample-and-drum-machine-based music.

If you’re thinking of newer AE, DT’s retrig and conditional-trigs will certainly get you closer, at least on the sequencing front.
The DT doesn’t match the OT in the sound-design department (it seems). Multiple LFOs and ENVs are essential to an evolving sound. Of course, you could always augment DT’s engine with external modulations from software (MAX, of course) or MIDI hardware.


DT is a MIDI control hardware.
Thus further modulations can be brought by sending CCs from DT MIDI tracks to DT audio ones.
Would be awesome if some kind of internal routing was possible without having to plug a MIDI cable from out to in :slight_smile:
I keep hoping…

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I preordered mine and they (Musicians Friend) says the week of the 15th. Fingers crossed…

Talking really old AE like ‘Incunabula’ has the Roland TR-606 all over it. Great album

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Indeed. Intermodulation (LFOs) would be awesome. Machinedrum style!

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tbh the closest I ever got to some of the more recent (last 10 yrs or so) ae sounds was to make samples from modulated synth sounds and some drums, then mess with the samples further and resample, and repeat, and modulate and repeat again… which is something the DT does well… also the control-all thing will help a ton hehe


The 15th…of May??!
Sounds nice, but I highly, highly doubt it. Most places don’t seem to know until the week of shipment. If I recall, Sweetwater chouldn’t guarantee a date for the A4. Even then, if you ordered, you weren’t assured you’d get one in their first shipment. I guess it’s time to start asking around…

I’d be really curious what Musicians Friend is basing that on…

Best to wait until the next event which might announce an official date and further features of the Digitakt. They’re coming soon enough.

Some random thoughts:

Pressing Track button and turning any encoder could latch Control All, with a text reminder on the screen or something. You could press “yes” to exit it and keep the changes, or “no” to return to previous state.

This would keep both your hands free to faster editing :totes:


Looking forward to team the DT up with my LCXL.

Should be good fun.


thanks mate, much appreciated feedback…
i’ve been on the Max learning curve for the past 9 months without any results, the need has arisen for hands-on hardware, just purchased a used TX81Z fm module, when the DT arrives that’ll be all i need (for now)