Introducing Digitakt

I called around and found a shop in Japan that still had one slot open on their first round of reservations! I was told that Elektron initially told them late May, but are now saying it could be pushed back to early June. Anyway, I am locked in! I’ve never preordered on something before I’ve seen the final specs, but it’s such a beautiful instrument that I don’t want to have to wait! I’m really excited to have my first Elektron.

Edit: the shop just called me back and can’t confirm I’m in for the first round until Thursday. Fingers crossed. :frowning:

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Can I just confirm. If I want to sequence four units without midi thru (three Volcas and a sampler), the Midi Solutions Quadra Thru is my best option? I’m seeing that some devices don’t send enough power to run it. The Kenton Midi Thru 5 is powered and adds an extra through for the same price (here in Japan). Perhaps that’s the better option. Any advice?

Yeah, gear4music. ETA was mid June when I ordered but website now showing early June. So I’m assuming, if true, that they’re not going to send new orders out before early orders. Who knows? :slightly_smiling_face:

my ‘guess’ about why some things don’t send enough power is due to the lack of a standard for the 3.5mm jack - DIN Midi connection that is popular on a lot of these small portable units. I have a few devices that expect to use power over midi and they won’t work with all 3.5mm midi connectors… but they always work when connected to something with a DIN out (like my Octatrack for example) . so i would ‘guess’ the DT will power the Midi Solutions fine. (i power a midi solution dual footpedal unit)

there’s a good CDM article on the minijack midi issue.

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several Shops here in Germany say the same! You guys are not alone …

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Synthstrom Audible “Deluge” Sampler/Synth/Groovebox

in germany are first batch orders still expected to get in at end Mai.
end june is a second batch expetation.

has your Retailer told you that? i mean: I ordered at Bax Shop couple of Months ago as they had it for sale for 650 €. They also state in their current Delivery State that it is expected by the end of May. But i dont expect this because: No one who has pre-ordered at Elektron directly has confirmed, that they already received a shipment confirmation. And Elektron said, that those guys will receive the Units first - more or less. Add the delivery times from Sweden to Germany and the processing times at the local Retailers and i assume that even the first batches will not arrive before Mid June :wink: Simple math.

Jeez. This thread was bad enough already, now it’s just endless delivery/shipment woes/comparison…Mods, new thread for ‘DT shipping’ maybe?




Thanks. Interesting info. Would be nice if Elektron can comment if they know if the DT will be able to provide power via midi since I’m sure a lot of people will need to buy these kind of boxes. I’m sort of tempted to go with the Kenton anyway since it has five midi thru instead of four and will definitely work since it has a power supply. Then again, one fewer power supply to deal with would be nice!

All Midi Outs and many Ins on any Midi gear provide 5V, it’s part of the Midi standard. That doesn’t mean it’s supposed to power splitter boxes and such. The voltage is meant to carry the signal. It can be abused to power for example the Midi Solutions boxes and it works most the time but I would never rely on it especially for live situations. Sometimes it works for me in a certain configuration, then the next day in the same configuration it doesn’t work anymore. If you want a reliable solution get a powered splitter. No manufacturer will give you a guarantee for their Midi gear to reliably power an unpowered splitter.


Do u guys know how the FILL button works? is it sth like the scene mode on octatrack or only a beat repeat thing?


it’s part of trig conditions. instead of having a trig come in a specific percentage of the time you can set them to only come in when you press the fill button.


ooo~ thx! it will work with midi out too, right? cool

Gotcha. Never used one of these splitters. I’ll go with the powered one. That’s all I wanted to know.

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yep :slight_smile:

bax dj shop ? seems they have low prices which “might” have caused elektron to NOT ship to them any first batch units.
watch Music Store and Thomann, they´ve not lowered the price.
they went thru that troubles with elektron at the Octatrack release. mainly Thomann though, which was unfair against them.
you much likely will see these shopps lower prices as shipments contunue to come in :wink:

i´ve spoken to thonann today on that matter, yes :wink:

you guys who complain about shipment discussion: please adress the problem to where it lies: elektron and their communication ! …and not to the user base.
at least is this “real world” related communication and not in the nonsense department as so much other talk here

yeah, thats it. seriously, i had my doubt with Bax from the very start. Seems that this is definitely not the best shop around. Their HQ is in the Netherlands - which made me wonder already. But after NAMM i was so fixed at the 650 € Price Point mentioned there that i HAD to take that offer. Since 770 € were quite far away from what i expected.

But, on the other hand: Every Retailer has a margin and Thomann as well as the other big Shops wanna make some money with the stuff they sell. So, 650 € will be more than the cost ALL OF THEM have. Or in other words: Their purchase price from Elektron will be lower in any way. I therefore dont think that the lower prices at Bax really influence Elektrons decision where to throw the boxes to first. Reputation would be more likely.

I highly recommend one of these as it provides lots of flexibility without unplugging anything, with lots of filtering, remapping, and routing options. Plus a usb host port to connect up to 8 usb midi devices, two ports to connect computers or iOS with cck, and an ethernet port for wifi control. Works standalone after programmed…
I use the midi4+ but this looks the same without the iOS/computer audio stuff… The 4+ has three computer/ios ports, works with and charges ios without cck, and passes digital audio in between those 3 ports…
These cost more than a thru but give lots of room for expansion/creative options without ever unplugging stuffz…

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