Introducing Digitone

does the Digitone do panoramic voice spreading? And if so can you turn it on/off? Some DSI synths do this - OB6 for example.

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I guess you can’t do that Farey sequence family ratios in DN

Just managed a chance for a proper look/listen …

w.o.w. :3lektron: :thup:


Sounds to me like the stepping you are hearing are the harmonic ratios being selected between the various operators. Standard on FM synths.
If it didn’t do this, it would be inharmonic and sound like shit basically

Good, can’t wait for user videos to get a better idea of the workflow/sound!


33 posts were split to a new topic: About prices differences and VAT

By the way guys, is the stereo audio input affected by filters and FX?

Only FX I think

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Seems to be what it’s all about…Master fx section only…For now ^^…

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Thanks :slight_smile:

It’s time the DN gets it’s own forum section.


Yep. I asked for it, but I think @elektronauts is a bit busy :wink:
Coming soon. Dig your avatar btw :smiley:

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Damn dude… that video was insane. GASing hard now.
I have a Maschine MK3 that I was going to go pick up but might swap for a DN…
the thing just sounds so damn good. Pair it with my Op1 for drums and samples and I’m gravy

Do I want a new midi controller that I can complete whole songs on but need to use the computer all the time and learn a new SW package (Maschine 2.7)

Or a new HW box that I can program like a tracker (and I know my way around Elektron seq) and then stream each track to my familiar daw for mastering and developing

This is a tough one!

Right. Horse for courses fella.

I have no need. You need it.

It’s the wonderfully diverse world of music production.

BEST GAME EVER! I love street of rage. Brings back so many memories. Art, soundtrack and gameplay was perfect, especially if you played it with a friend in coop mode…

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You can replace the knobs with chroma caps. A buddy of mine did that.


Interested in where as well.

Go for NI Maschine, you wont regret it, its a central HUB for music production on the fly. Easy too learn, good results. You can add the electron Digitone later.

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Does anyone know the release date for stores yet ? Been looking but can’t find anything. Haven’t heard back from Sweetwater in regards to it.

Excited on this release.

Any recommendations of where to shop in Italy? I’ll be working there for a month or so and hope to get one while I’m there.

Also - curious to hear how many monomachine users plan to add a Digitone to their setups?