I think @AdamJay tested and plocked every parameter to a trig!
This isn’t something I do, I do all realtime sampling stuff with my OT, although I’ll definitely warp the schmack out of it with scenes and patterns of plocked trigs…
I’ve just learned and played with the OT enough to grasp how you’d do it…
I’ve definitely heard sounds from my live samples that are so far removed from the source sound it’s just crazy!
Folks usually want to know how to do things step by step, and that certainly helps to get going and is fine… But I always recommend experimentation and learning to grasp the OT features, concepts, structure, and how it all relates, instead of the steps to make it happen. If you do that then you can “see” how to do things that you’ve never done before, and by knowing the OT well you understand how different things you’ve never done before can work… It comes with time, research, determination, practice, determination, research, testing, testing, testing, and time… and practice.