Linux sample dump

Greetings Elektronauts,
I want to let people know that I am building a GPL’ed tool to do midi sample dump with linux. This is very much a work in progress right now, but I hope to post again soon with the good news that it fully supports the MD UW!

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How’s the dev going?

What linux distribution do you use?


It’s going well! Last night I sent a sample to the MD. I am still working on the receive part.
Right now I’m using Mint 15, but I’ve also used Fedora a bit too.
I’m hoping to package this as a shared library that could get included in an editor like Audacity, so you could send samples directly from there instead of the command line.


it s possible to transfert sample by linux way ?
a C6 auk ?
think it s useful for analg 4 and analog rytm we are a lot to use this operating system


I work under linux and I plane to buy an Analog rytm.
I downloaded send-sds-master (thank you very much for your work) and installed it and it seem to work fine. But before to buy the analog rytm, please can you confirm me that it work fine to send the samples ?

Best regards


I have now an AR and it work fine with send-sds-master !
Thank you so much bsorahan for your work and sharing.


Great to hear @chapolin!

Does anyone know if it’s possible to load samples from Linux to the digitakt?

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Yup, crunch/elk-herd will work on Linux, using Chrome browser.


Awesome! I just bought a digitakt and can’t wait to try it out