Live Melodic/Minimal Techno Session (A4, RYTM, LIVID, PIONEER)

Here is part one of a live session filmed at Belgrave Music Hall & Canteen in Leeds.

Original music and performance by James Orvis
Video by Delayed Pleasure (Simon Nieborak)

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I would Like this, but the damn Video and Audio compression very much sucks! Please can you provide a better resolution in YouTube or Vimeo? Facebook really sucks for presenting yourself.

I agree dude! Its on youtube too, here is the link! Facebook doesn’t play nicely with Youtube posts so I’ve had to run the video on both platforms.


Ah, much better! Thank you! And wow! Very nice!

Always great to see new music from you up here, James – thanks for sharing.

Looks like you’ve trimmed your live setup a fair bit. I’d be curious to hear anything you can offer about the OT’s overall setup, as well as what the A4 and Phatty are doing and how you process them (via the OT, mixer, etc.) Also interested in what roles the software plays and how you’ve integrated the hardware and software together.

(There are currently a couple of active threads about working with multiple Elektrons for live performance, including one on OT/A4, and I think your general perspective would be enlightening.)


This is super nice man!!

I’d surely like to know how you integrated the things together, especially from a mixing point of view. so +1 on @dubathonic’s question.

Cheers :slight_smile:

Sorry for the late reply guys! Im thinking of making a video soon explaining my setup and workflow :slight_smile:

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