The problem is probably telling the octatrack what the bpm is of your songs.
the other problem is that not all music is computer-sample-beat-perfect.
For argument sake: its not that difficult to make a sample start at the first beat.
its easy to select 4 beats and make your octa figure out what the bpm is.
Its a whole lot less easy to select 4 bars of a bpm-fluctuating song and tell the octa
“this is the bpm” … there is no warping like you can do in ableton… (or other softie-daws with simular functions) …
anyways: Lets say for argument purpose, that you really have 100 files on your cf card.
and those 100files are sample-acurate-bpm-known-files.
You could just load them up in a static-slot and trigger them. either manually
or in a sequence. or in a free-playing sequence… u cant use flex… because you will run out of memory very quick if you load complete songs.
Have two tracks… with a song on each… trigger them manually, and do weirdness with fader… or having 4 tracks… 2 pairs… a sample-track + a neighboor… so you can do more fx/eq…
Or trigger them in a sequence… so you basicly loop the first bar until you take the trigger away… (should make mixing it in easier)…
Or trigger them with free-play sequence… have the first bar retriggered weirdly or with triggerless trigs and whatnot to make it fade in…
lets say you take 4 tracks (the 2 pairs) to launch your music… you can use 3 others to launch little vocals-loops or whatnot… or some resampling… (again use the fader to make them blend in) and track8 as masterfx…
Its almost a shame, that you cant combine track7 and 8 as combined mastertrack…
(well u can i think, if you abuse the cuetrack… but u might want to use that one to hear what your mixing in)
So possibilities a plenty… I bet you just want an extra controller to use the fx on your tracks…