It’s seems normal.
Because your first record in pickup machine sest the tempo.
Octatrack knows the lenght of our loop and set the tempo.
So if you don’t want that, put a lenght of your track recording i think.
I think it’s weirder than that
I’m familiar with the “pickup machine sync” in the tempo window (track + tempo button) and when the P.U. machine is the first track going, BUT…
OT is always the tempo/bpm master of all other pieces of gear. So if time is already moving based on the global OT tempo, it seems strange that recording into a pickup machine via the foot controller will change the tempo. This doesn’t happen if I record into the P.U. via the red buttons… only the foot controller.
So, I’m curious if that’s what’s going on. Maybe the OT is analyzing and interpreting my recording and changing the global tempo. I don’t think it should do that. It should stay global unless it is the first track initiated. Right? …weird…
Sometimes recording a triplet groove from a synth or something could feel faster than the current tempo and a 16th note pattern would feel even faster, but it’s still in the same tempo. I think my OT is judging my playing incorrectly
I have another question regarding the KMI 12 Step.
Can I use it to play slices or samples chromatically? Or will it just work with the MIDI channels?
Hi I have been trying to get my SS2 to connect via MIDI expander to the Octa MIDI IN.
SS2 set to send on ch 11 midi notes 60-64 and Octa receive on auto ch11.
Proj settings Octa
transp recv - ticked
recv auto- ticked
Midi control
Audio cc in - ticked
audio cc out - int+ext
audio note in - ticked
audio note out - ext + int.
I have tried both the advanced and basic editor for the SS2 sending via standalone to softstep expander. pressing ‘save’ and then ‘send to soft step’.
it seems people can make this work, but I can’t!
I saw you said you were having some glitches, but you had it working, did this continue? I am at a loss as to why it is not transmitting data properly. Any advice much appreciated. I think I have proj settings correct but would appreciate any hints and confirmation of settings.
I have a 12step and have yet to attempt getting it in line with OT. Interested on others experience.
I definitely want to setup to just with Pickup machines for looper madness.
Interesting setting you should be able to set with 12 step / Soft Step with Toggle :
I had this trouble too. It was because my computer is an iMac and I was trying to use the included USB cable, which is unusually long. Something about the iMac does not work with ridiculously long USB cables.
I switched to a normal length USB cable that I already had, and “send to Softstep”: finally worked. I learned this after exchanging several emails with a KMI support person. He said he had argued with his bosses over the cable but lost the argument to ship with shorter cable.
Thanks so much for this. I think I saw this already and do have a shorter cable from mac to softstep. I do have the original long one from soft step to midi expander. Just to clarify which cable was it that was causing the problem for you?
I think I will set it up with ableton tomo and see if I can check the midi data being sent then at least I will know whether it is the softstep not sending correctly or octatrack not receiving the data.
I will definitely try some different cables too thanks for the tip
The long cable (the one in the box) was the problem cable. The KMI support guy told me that long cables cause problems for iMac communication w/ Softstep. I guess other computers are ok?
Ok tried it through a DAW to check softstep was sending correct information. It seemed the Advanced editor was not sending the information and softstep was still sending on Ch1 so I connected it directly to computer using a short cable without the midi expander connected to the softstep and after restarting the computer it worked
Greetings. I’ve recently purchased an octatrack and dusted off my 12 step to try to program it to control the octatrack.
My goal is to be able to start a sequence and turn on and off each track individually (IE: hit start with no tacks playing. Toggle on/off at minimum four of the tracks, and then be able to stop the entire sequence.)
I’ve downloaded the 12 step editor and started a custom patch based on the midi note and CC numbers in the midi chart of the manual.
So far nothing the 12 step is doing is having any effect on the octatrack so I may not have the midi in the octatrack set correctly? I’m still confused as to what I’m required to do.
I think I need to start from scratch. Can anyone please walk me through how they set up their 12 step with an octatrack as if I’m a total midi noob (because I am )
Have you turned on plays free on the octatrack? Plus assigned the right midi channels to each button for the tracks?
By default every AudioTrack in Octatrack listens to midi messages on its own channel AND auto channel when track is active.
So go to PROJECT>MIDI>CHANNELS and set channels you want to use. It’s good at the beggining to leave them as they are.
I have got channels set like:
Above settings mean that eg. I need to send midi message on channel1 if I want to control Track1 (or on channel9 when Track1 is active).
Then if you want to play/stop tracks each one separately, the tracks have to be in Plays Free Mode to stay disconnected from the sequencer (OT’s play/stop buttons) and wait for play/stop messages from controller (plays free settings are now new rules).
The rest is on the controller’s side.
Set any button (probably OneShot switch action is enough here) to send note A1 (33) on auto channel (9) to start the sequencer. A#1 (34) to stop sequencer.
Set another button to send C1 (24) note on channel1 (or 9 if track is active) to start Track1 (according to plays free TrigQuant setting) and stop track (according to plays free TrigMode setting)…
Notes On messages are not CC. You can use CC messages also to control other aspects…
For reference visit midi mappings charts in manual.
That’s how you can start
Edit: my English.
This is amazing! I’ll will try it out ASAP and report back. Thank you so much!!
So I am very confused about one thing, does the controller need to to send on 8 independent midi channels? One for each track? I can’t find any way for the controller (or any controller I know of) to send on multiple channels like that. From what I can tell the 12 step has a set global midi output:
Huh? You need to specify what message you send (here a note, which is 9 in hex), what channel is adressed, for instance channel 11 which is A in hex , so #9A is a note on channel 11, and the value. It’s just the midi standard.
My apologies, as I stated in the original post, I’m a midi noob. I’ve been avoiding learning midi since the 90s but I absolutely have to make this whole midi setup work for this band I’m starting.
I’m not clear where the channel 11 you referred to is coming from, I’m very confused.
That channel 11 was just an example (Actually it was the channel that the octatrack came with as default for the autochannel). But I did take a look at the manual for your controller (I don’t have one of these, I use a Yahama MFC10) and noticed that it’s a somewhat different footcontroller than most other similar devices. It behaves more like a midi keyboard than a midi footswitcher. It seems like it’s primary intent is to be able to play scales just like a keyboard would: you choose a channel to send on and than all notes are sent to that channel. I replied to your “or any controller I know of” before looking at the manual… most midi footcontrollers I know of can be programmed so that all footswitches are totally independant, you just enter the raw midi data to be sent. So you can have switch 1 sending a note on channel 3, switch 2 sending a CC on channel 10, and so forth. This is not the case of yours. Sorry, my bad… I did not study the manual entirely (sorry, I’v work to do) but from what I saw you need to apply a workaround which is sending all notes to the octatrack’s autochannel and program two switches to do “next track-previous track”. Which means that you select the active track first , then you send the start command. A bit cumbersome, I must admit. Or you get a used Behringer FC1010 for cheap.
Okay so I wasn’t crazy! Thank you so much for confirming this. You are the best. I’ll track down a new midi foot controller. Is there a sturdier alternative to the behringer that you know of? Thank you so much!
All depends on the price you’re willing to pay. I have eliminated all Behringer stuff decades ago except for a cable tester, which works reasonably well so I understand you’d prefer another brand. On the other hand this FC1010 seems to to be one of those utilitarian pieces of gear people are satisfied with. It doesn’t process any audio, and lies idling on the floor most of the time so there’s not much that could go wrong, and if ever it does, it won’t be a huge loss…my local store has a couple of used ones for around 100€ a piece. I bet it does what you need. But read the manual before purchase…better safe than sorry even at 100€