Midi out midi in how to? (How to control audio track from midi track?)

don’t have a lot of time right now but want to show this in depth… it’s not rocket science, you just have to set up the midi config correctly, e.g. in sync, disable clock/transport receive/send to make sure it doesn’t spam the connection. If you want to sequence program changes, disable program change send (because you will send these commands from the midi sequencer instead).

In MIDI port config, set input & output to midi. Output channel: TRK channel. Encoder, trig, mute dst: INT. Receive notes/cc: ON.

one quirk is, the audio tracks don’t seem to receive midi notes on their own channels (1-8) while you have selected any midi track (???). Which means, as long as you work on a midi sequence which targets an audio track, you don’t hear the sequence! Need to select one of the audio tracks, then you hear it.

nevermind the NRPN/CC setting - this affects only the output of normal encoder tweaks in the tracks, and allows sending of high-resolution parameters. The MIDI tracks send regular CCs, and the audio tracks also listen to them. What you don’t get, is high-resolution control. Though you could set up NRPN sequencing in the MIDI tracks as well, needs 4 CCs per parameter. But ignore that for now! :slight_smile:

also read this: Generative, mutating pattern chains