Modern Digital Synths

Lists are helpful (See: Modern Analog Synths- The Elektronauts List). But since this is a question (when it comes to digital synths) perhaps what you and others are trying to tell me is that no one cares about such a list. But I care, and perhaps others do also.

I’ve done some recent research on digital synths, so I’m sharing what I’ve looked at. But I also hope to research machines that I am ignorant of because ignorance appears to be one of my most persistent qualities. Thank-you for the items you pointed out, I will update.

Cut-off dates are tough, because there are a lot of useful synths out there. But let’s stick with machines that are currently in production, or that were taken out of production since the year 2000. So, Nord Lead 3: Yes. Nord Lead 2: No. Someone else can do a vintage-to-1999 list if they want to.

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