Holy mother of god. Same project, many years. My brain just crumbled, I mean I understand that everyone is different but wow I could never imagine someone using same project for many years, but hey thx for info, good to know that we can copy kits, too bad can’t copy kit+pattern.
Side note- I am running out of project space soon, not all of them have 128 kits and 128 patterns but most of them have at least couple banks filled up, my style is to keep each kit and pattern linked, so pattern 1 has kit1, pattern 2 kit 2 etc…when I listen to music style that inspires me I go and start new project under that genre name and start making music, next day boom! I am I am inspired by some nature and I start new project with date and new name and make few patterns there, I guess I lost my boundary and need to stick to project more but I find myself getting stuck sounding same when I stay in one project so jumping from project to project helps me make different sounding stuff :]