MPC Thread : MPC Live - MPC X - MPC One (Part 1)

I hope so, friendships were forged in that thread.


I love all of youse

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Jesus! This thread is so big! Elektron will get jealous!

As an Elektron enthusiast and owner of OT/AK/AR, I can imagine myself getting one of these MPC boxes
I used to have an mpc1000, which I loved, but I sold to help finance an AR, the Elektron boxes have such creative sequencers, with their P Locks and scenes etc
But unless you use the arrangers, your pretty much doing everything live when it comes to sequencing a song (staying within 4 bars)
Whereas the MPCs could/can sequence a whole song, with breaks etc, from A-Z
MPC’s are good fun, but a whole different kettle of fish from Elektron products, like somebody already stated, you should consider the OT as a specific instrument.
I would be interested in either the LIVE , just to be able to have a more “normal” approach to sampling and beatmaking , and its nomadic aspect (which is why i bought the op1 already)
Or the bigger version,if it had a 16 track audio recorder, in which case, it could replace my ageing Korg D3200
Which however seems unlikely

As others have stated, steady your GAS, you’re not going to necessarily make better music or be more productive by buying some new gear!

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With an Mpc 1000 you can send several program changes to sync all patterns. It can sync all Elektron’s patterns for instance…
You can use the Ot step seq and record it in Mpc.

Mpc Live / X should do that too.


So in theory you could use MPC Live as the brain, managing all the patterns in all the elektron boxes and timing of them, and keeping this stored as a project within MPC Live for prosperity / re-use. You can also record the material from all elektron boxes into the MPC live for audio song production, although the single 6.5 mm stereo line-in to LIVE means recording a single track at a time per song from every machine.

Reminds me of this thread, but not directlty storing the elektron file management, but at least referencing them all in 1 place and combining them.


I’ll be interested in using the MPC to sequence my AR then add additional spice with plocking and conditionals on the same track in the AR. Endless ideas!


Possibly a good time to bring out a non Fuzz-box :wink:

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yea come on Elektron, hurry up before we all gets akai’z
you gots… 2 months. ok GO :sunglasses::paw_prints:


Well the forum is full of desire for an Octatrack MK 2 with more outputs, faders, pads internal synth engine… They should know.

I feel a bit like I’m in bizzaro world right now. My initial thought about this was it was going to be the thing that finally replaced my Roland MV. But the more I look at it I don’t think I can justify the cost.

The only real upgrade in the mpcx and the MV is a touch screen and the CV outs and the assignable knobs on the hardware side. The audio warping/stretch will be better no doubt, but the MV still does it. 8 audio tracks and 64 midi tracks yeah the MV does that too.

I’m not saying there isn’t loads more that the mpcx can do than the MV but it wouldn’t be the clincher for what I do. I guess I just feel like it’s a long time coming for something that Roland did almost ten years ago! Also, I bought my MV for $400 CAD although they did sell new for something crazy like $2300 USD

I’m very on the fence about this but my wallet is definitely saying NO for the time being! My local shop is getting one in for stock so I am going to go check it out either way.

Just saved yourself some money and realised you have your dream machine already. Rejoice and give £10 to charity :slight_smile:


I pulled the good old NI machine out, it can too sequence external gear. Clock seems ok, as far as i could check it. Never thought about it before really, The thread was helpful in this regard.


As the chatter on the interwebs wrt these new MPCs seems to be dying down (until NAMM?), let’s turn our attention to the software side. I’m guessing all the features from the existing MPC software version will be aboard? Just checked this vid and I’m digging the “lazy chop” feature a lot!

There’s also a tutorial series teaching how to use the touch. I can imagine the workflow being quite similar with the standalones? Here’s part 1 of the series


One armed Pete and Geoff the gesticulator. Voice-over might have been better than filming those guys :wink: Some nice features tho :slight_smile:

Does the MPC have a send SDS feature?

Would love that on the OT to use sending samples to the RYTM over midi…

Ive been watching these videos a lot, seems very powerful. I havent been able to find how it integrates in a full hardware synth setup though, not much examples of sequencing external gear. It seems most people use it as an all in one solution.

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Pretty sure you can easily ingrate other midi gear like standalone Mpcs always did.

I think you can too but I have been looking at the Touch box in particular as it is the most similar to LIVE and there is just not a lot of information around about it.It is probably a safe assumption it can do the same as other units such as renaissance as the software being used is the same for all previous generation controllers.

Anything you see that applies to the ren should also apply to the touch/live, as the software is the same.