Nord Drum 2 - Hesitation

Just got my ND2 today! So far have just been sequencing it with ableton live but it sounds great!
This max for live patch is really cool to! Maps to push2 nicely! :smiley:

I am thinking about building a no PC live techno set…want to get a octatrack and maybe a tetra.I think those 3 pieces of kit along with a pedal or two should be able to get me pretty far! question for OT heads: would it be a pain to sequence nd2 and tetra from the OT?nd2 and tetra do not have midi thru so would i need something like the midi solutions quadra thru ??
Not sure if sync issues would occur?

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Would be no pain at all imo. Have the quadra thru. works flawlessly

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i tested this last night, and yes, you’re only able to record the global channel that the ND2 is configured to…so there’s no way to get the Nord Pad to output anything other than the global channel.

just a heads up in case this is a deal breaker for those of you who are interested in picking a nord pad with their ND2.

Global is set to OFF?

correct, the global channel is the only channel the nord pad will output midi to. with it off, nothing comes out of the nd2’s midi output.

wtf is clavia progging?
seems to explain my trouble recording into the monomachine…

i mean, if thats my setup - each track on own channel, it listens to that (incoming) and is not able to send that?

Can anyone say whether the ND2 transmits MIDI note when you press the front panel trigger button?

There’s a Nord Drum 2 with Pad on gumtree and I’m struggling not to reach out to the seller…

Nord would clean up if they released a Drum 4 with onboard sequencer, minus the pads.
Such an opportunity
It just sounds so good


Yes that would be a thing of beauty.

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if they would at least make a new version without the pads.
And I’d love to have indivdual audio via USB outputs :slight_smile:


I bought an ND2 off someone from this forum last year and I’ve only just got round to having a proper play on it since last weekend. The sounds you can get and the tweaking abilities are amazing!

I am currently using it paired with my OT through which I send Midi signals and mangle the ND2 audio. I will add my MD to the mix soon as I suspect that the sounds from the 2 drum machines will compliment each other.

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Yes it does. It transmits knobs as well, and program changes.

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Anybody worked out the bank and program changes from Digitakt to Nord Drum 2?

Vitalic have a fun with nord drum

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What is he using for the main controller with screen? Looks like Abletons clip launching screen.

Looks like something custom built, it says something like “Koomoc Vitalic”. As is often the case, the camerawork isn’t very helpful if you want to check what gear he is using. I can’t find a Nord drum in his setup, I do see a Nord Lead 4R

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Nord Drum 2 arrived yesterday after a very modest auction offer. It has totally surpassed my expectations - the organic sounds you can sculpt are really something else. I was in two minds between the 3P or holding off until a 2 comes on the market. I wanted the versatility of the triggers and the option of having pads or not, which I think are both huge pluses over the 3P.

The 6 triggers are wonderful and after a couple hours with pairing it with my modular (Grids, Pams and Meadowphysics) I think I’ve found my ideal drum source - so much so that I sourced a new Nord Pad to complete the package (and easily store away when not in use). It’s no wonder they are so hard to find these days


The ND2 responds really well to modular triggers, enjoy!
For it’s size, build, sound design and sound quality it’s hard to beat! (No pun)