OT Amen Break Experiments

going crazy with some fader scenes on the amen break


dope !!!

i think its fair to state that no more ‘experimentation’ can be done with this sample — its been round the block more times than madonna

The same statement was made about the piano, flute, violin, et al.

Give the guy “a break”…

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oh cant you do better than that? the piano and the violin are both infinitely beautiful – the amen break is a 6 second drum break that about 15 million people have stolen. im 38 years old… ive heard these beats too many times… …there isnt a clause here that i cant express this opinion. my advice would be to make ones own fucking beats


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it just seemed like the best break to use for this particular effects setup on the OT… its not that i put up a banner that this was something new or anything like that… its been done loads of times… take it easy


An ‘amen break’ in a sampler is comparable to a waveform in a synthesizer’s oscillator.

Chop away, experiment and discover!

With just length, pitch and tempo adjustments you have 16.285.647.532 possible variations of the amen break on a single track in the OT, it’s a safe bet to say that none of us old farts have heard them all!


This is classic quality content. Thanks for sharing. Reminds me to go steal some beats myself.

shits fire, don’t listen to old haters

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sounds good, didnt recognise it as being used before specifically. Doesnt all d&b sound like that?



Sounds dope! How did you make that bassline?

this project is rather old… i dug out some old CF cards… I think I sampled it off my MicroKorg… Or it might even be sampled from my Korg EMX-1. Most of my D&B stuff was done on my EMX.

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Well, I really liked it. All power to your endeavours, NSM. Please post more.

“im 38 years old…”

Are you sure? Sounds more like my morose and obnoxious 17yr nephew… it that you Charlie?



more here: Dusty Breaks - OT Projects Exhumed :wink:

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