[decided - I will keep it!] OT mk II, thinking about returning it (why I decided to keep it is now in the main article)

Return it ( assimings it’s brand new and you get money back )
Buy mk2 second hand , none are old , likely to be in v.good condition , under warranty
Spend difference on nice fx box , multiple 90’s fx boxes , ice cream , complimentary sampler/fx box like kaos pad / 440sx , mpc.

Old fx like quadraverb , se50/se70 , can be £80 or cheaper , each.


^ Needs to be stressed more.

Having the OT just for a few weeks is nothing. Take your time with it and reconsider after two years if you can let it go.


No due to the lack of a cue out.
On the OT you could send a specific amount of the signal of a given track to the cue.


I’m no professional musician and i haven’t really released anything for the public. I also own the OT MKII only since january this year, i’m no OT veteran, so maybe my opinion is worth nothing…but…i know the OT is a keeper for me.

It is powerful enough for me to create nearly full tracks with it (i guess the OT is very suited for “electronic” genres if you want to use it as more then a sampler/recorder). It is “snappy” and a joy to work with, no lags and nearly no interrupts in creative workflow (except for the loading and saving time of big projects :slight_smile: ). The OT is also awesome to use as MIDI controller for other hardware and software. It is “somewhat” portable, so i can create stuff while chill on the sofa…awesome for audio mangling…of course as recorder…

…i forgot, the effects. Are they really that bad? Could you provide a sample that was processed with the Digitakt reverb and or delay and the source file? I would like to test if there really is so much difference. This is not about exposing anything, it really interest me personally.


The OT takes time. For me, I bought a sold the OT 3 times before finally clicking with it on a 4th attempt haha.

I’ve owned a DT so I do totally get where you’re coming from. The DT has tremendous immediacy. You can take a sample in all sorts of directions a little more quickly and intuitively than you can with an OT but there is a glass ceiling with the DT. You’ll find yourself on more than one occasion lamenting the lack of scenes/crosfader/FX/etc. I’d “force” myself to crack on with the OT for a while longer before calling it.

Having said that, music shouldn’t be all hard work should it?! If the DT gives you that special feeling then maybe that is the way to go!

I get bouts of gas for a few bits of gear just now. The DT and OT combo is one that tempts me too actually.


11 posts were merged into an existing topic: OT vs MPC workflows

Just one week !!! I was making super shit with my octatrack after 1 week use . This is the hardest elektron i have used give it a lot more time


I doubt that :wink:

The OT effects are only passable, nothing exciting. I prefer to feed my OT samples that already have lush reverbs. From there you can just play with the amp env to shape it.

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Or, IF you have the cash to do it, keep the OT MK II (it’s a beauty) and sell the Digitakt and buy some type of an effects unit and pick up a Rytm MK I. Talk about a powerful combination there! Of course you’ve probably already thought about this as well. :grinning:


Scenes and p-locks are great fun on the Octatrack! I am getting some crazy tunes that way. The FX especially lo fi and dark reverb are fantastic. Love the LFO creator that adds tons of flavor for FM style sounds as well.


A huge pile of info in there - i’m still trying to parse it all - so thank you for the deep bit of info.

You noted in your post about the desire for drums and being able to do samples with them…
This (to another post) asked - why two samplers? Well, I love the Digitakt for it’s “Playability” - I feel that for some reason with it’s UI and setup it’s super fun to sequence drums with it… This was ONE of the reasons I looked at the OT so that I could do other stems and such with the OT and have the Digitakt by my drum machine.

As for the sequencer - I’ve enjoyed it deeply for some reason I get along well with that style of sequencing…

Overall thank you for the long and detailed post - plenty to think about in there.


Thank you for taking the time to respond - I appreciate it.

Thank you - I think that is part of my plan to try here for a bit along with an external set of gear I have as well to see how it all plays together… More to come for sure.


Yeah I’m with you dude. I’m also pairing my OT with an AH, it’s like they were made for each other.

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The OT is the one Elektron piece of gear that rewards you the more time you give it and patience and learn new things. The Machine Drum also is complex.

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The OT really rewards sample preparation and forethought. I think it’s one of the most important aspects that is often overlooked.


if the OT does not suit your need, you should have a look at the gotharman little deformer 3. it is currently available for pre ordering, and will be available in sept.

it features 16 tracks (but with 8 notes polyphony), with 2 filters per track + 8 fx bus +2 master fx + an optional analog board that makes it possible to insert 2 analog filters. And you can add some extra audio and cv in/out…

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Thx for the info. Interesting piece of gear for a reasonable price.

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or deluge , very capable box…configurable , lots of storage … clever sequencer … decent price.

google it / youtube …

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