OT Requests Now That We Have Elektron Contribution?

One more :slight_smile:

Make it possible to make envelopes retrig with the “RTRG” parameter
Both the amp and effect envelopes

Oh man. Hell yes. And especially for HOLD LFOs. Although it is kinda nice to have the amp be per-step sometimes. Maybe a behavior switch (like the one just added for the reverb mix control) in the setup menu would do the trick.
Oh man this would open up all kinds of fun tricks…

me again…would it be possible to allow a user to save a default project state for the OT to always load from upon power up automatically?

At the moment I turn on my OT and what is loaded up is what ever I was playing before I turned the unit off…I woud rather the OT loaded my own (in my case blank project) starting point every time rather than some random end of my previous improvisation…its not a big thing, it would just save me always having to go dive into the setup menu to “go back” to my prefaired saved set.

i completely understand this might be less preferable to other user, so maybe a tick box for “save as default” or “load last project” options would cover both bases.

Maybe a good Idea ,

Make Permanently THE EQUALIZER on FX 1 & FX 2

4 Band for Each Track

for better internal mix …


  1. On-screen meter for sample/ audio input. The LED/compulsory input pad/gain adjust method is inaccurate and frustrating.

  2. Slice sample by amplitude instead of strict time division. It’s crazy that we have to use third party programs for this if we own an OT!

  3. (User option) sample trigs default to one-shot behavior. Function + trig now required to create “regular” trigs that re-arm when pattern loops.

See this topic.

Apparently I’m not able to add a note to an already playing note in without restarting the original note in the MIDI sequencer?!?

You could create an untouched default project in the last bank, then just go to that and copy/paste it wherever (then copy paste the part too) when you want to start a new idea - that would be ~10 button presses?

Another thought…

Can we have Randomize tigs on regular tracks as well as slice tracks, it seems a great natural progression to “stir up” the pattern…paticularly if Elektron was to impliment the live seamless copying and pasting of patterns… I could see myself copy out a few patterns of the same variation and then hitting "randomize trigs on my hihatt track to stir things up a little…then copy again and randomize trigs on the bass drum track as well etc…

hell, why not take it all the way and offer randomize p-locks too…it would be an awesome way to quickly stir in some “secret sauce” and act as I always find randomize functions are like inspiration magnets !!

Yeah random rocks! Random sample locks would also be awesome (I know you can kind of do it with sample chains, but the you have to make the chains at first which takes away some of the random magic…)

Yes, you could “randomize flex sample pool” and “randomize sample pool” so it selects from any of the audio elements within either the static or flex list in that project


Not only randomize, but like in the Yamaha RS7000 sequencer, rhythmic algorithms would be interesting.

Lots of great ideas in here.

I’d like a slice machine. Lots could be made smoother bringing relevant functions to one screen. Append buffer to a single file each time it is rewritten with slice points automatically added. Maybe some more automatic slice trig assignment functions other than just linear and random.

Tempo Control!
At the very least midi control over tempo (CCs or sysex) or assignable to the crossfader. I’m not very comfortable with tempo control with a little knob. Superpower upgrade would have tempo options on the playback screen of the master track. A toggle for global tempo or as described in the master track. Tempo: P-locks, scenes, and able to be effected by an LFO. Might need a range control to get needed resolution.

I really think Elektron should work on the issue of the midi triggering of external patterns on gears like the MD, because it doesn’t works correctly and it’s very complicated for such a basic function. See this thread :
[url=“Pattern Trigging MD from OT”]


The idea would be to avoid the need of sending a midi note (on the first step of the OT Pattern) and receiving this midi note via the Midi Map of the MD slaved. Because each first step of the MD pattern, the midi note sent doubles the first trig on the MD (it sounds like a click).

1 2 3 4 1 2…

Boom Tchack Boom Tchack BoBooom Tchack…

I know that there is a way to do this directly, with the two gears set on the same midi channel. BUT it’s not the good solution for those who need to be able to change patterns quickly without waiting the end of the current pattern. Like in break-core music, or drum’n’bass, or any more experimental style than just techno or electro. With the two gears set to the same midi channel, you can’t change pattern until the current pattern is finished (I’ve done many tests, but if there is a known trick, I’d like to know it!).

The settings to be able not to wait for the end of the pattern to change to another one is not so easy: too much things to set for such a basic need. Elektron should take example on the Yamaha RS 7000 sequencer, on which you can do that very easily.

Yes to:

Midi transpose trig mode (way overdue)

Scales added to sequencer and arp (yes!)

Ability to launch a Template when turning on Octatrack

The ability to be able to select a part when arranging patterns in Arranger mode would be rather useful!

The option to turn some of the midi shit off, track up/down and record especially, highly annoying when not needed.

Edit - But so that midi can still be used for pitch.

You can turn most of this off can’t you ? mine only accepts midi notes in

Bus tracks

One shot patterns and samples (so we don’t have to re-arm them to trigger everytime)

You can turn most of this off can’t you ? mine only accepts midi notes in [/quote]
Is that so? Last time I tried it did not respond to note pitch either, I’ll have to check next time can you confirm where (What menu you used) when you did this?