OT Requests Now That We Have Elektron Contribution?

Yeah random rocks! Random sample locks would also be awesome (I know you can kind of do it with sample chains, but the you have to make the chains at first which takes away some of the random magic…)

Yes, you could “randomize flex sample pool” and “randomize sample pool” so it selects from any of the audio elements within either the static or flex list in that project


Not only randomize, but like in the Yamaha RS7000 sequencer, rhythmic algorithms would be interesting.

Lots of great ideas in here.

I’d like a slice machine. Lots could be made smoother bringing relevant functions to one screen. Append buffer to a single file each time it is rewritten with slice points automatically added. Maybe some more automatic slice trig assignment functions other than just linear and random.

Tempo Control!
At the very least midi control over tempo (CCs or sysex) or assignable to the crossfader. I’m not very comfortable with tempo control with a little knob. Superpower upgrade would have tempo options on the playback screen of the master track. A toggle for global tempo or as described in the master track. Tempo: P-locks, scenes, and able to be effected by an LFO. Might need a range control to get needed resolution.

I really think Elektron should work on the issue of the midi triggering of external patterns on gears like the MD, because it doesn’t works correctly and it’s very complicated for such a basic function. See this thread :
[url=“Pattern Trigging MD from OT”]


The idea would be to avoid the need of sending a midi note (on the first step of the OT Pattern) and receiving this midi note via the Midi Map of the MD slaved. Because each first step of the MD pattern, the midi note sent doubles the first trig on the MD (it sounds like a click).

1 2 3 4 1 2…

Boom Tchack Boom Tchack BoBooom Tchack…

I know that there is a way to do this directly, with the two gears set on the same midi channel. BUT it’s not the good solution for those who need to be able to change patterns quickly without waiting the end of the current pattern. Like in break-core music, or drum’n’bass, or any more experimental style than just techno or electro. With the two gears set to the same midi channel, you can’t change pattern until the current pattern is finished (I’ve done many tests, but if there is a known trick, I’d like to know it!).

The settings to be able not to wait for the end of the pattern to change to another one is not so easy: too much things to set for such a basic need. Elektron should take example on the Yamaha RS 7000 sequencer, on which you can do that very easily.

Yes to:

Midi transpose trig mode (way overdue)

Scales added to sequencer and arp (yes!)

Ability to launch a Template when turning on Octatrack

The ability to be able to select a part when arranging patterns in Arranger mode would be rather useful!

The option to turn some of the midi shit off, track up/down and record especially, highly annoying when not needed.

Edit - But so that midi can still be used for pitch.

You can turn most of this off can’t you ? mine only accepts midi notes in

Bus tracks

One shot patterns and samples (so we don’t have to re-arm them to trigger everytime)

You can turn most of this off can’t you ? mine only accepts midi notes in [/quote]
Is that so? Last time I tried it did not respond to note pitch either, I’ll have to check next time can you confirm where (What menu you used) when you did this?

You can turn most of this off can’t you ? mine only accepts midi notes in [/quote]
Is that so? Last time I tried it did not respond to note pitch either, I’ll have to check next time can you confirm where (What menu you used) when you did this?[/quote]
I have all of the following set to ‘off’ :
cc direct connect
auto channel
audio cc in
audio note in
transport send and recv
clock send and recv
prog change send and dcv
trig channel 1 through 8
If I set my external midi controller keyboard to midi channel 4,. and then my external synth to mid channel 4, I can play the external synth ‘through’ the Octatrak and record the midi input into the Octatrak sequencer.

Re-reading your original post you mean triggering samples though don’t you ? in which case all of the various octaves control various options, which is presumably what you’re on about ? sorry slight misunderstanding initially…

Would also love to be able to save track mute status in each pattern, or at the very least each part and to save tempo per part and decide at part level whether I want to use the mastertrack rather than project level. And another +1 for the idea about having send effects to a single quality delay/reverb like the A4.
What else?
The ability to name scenes would also really help me know what the hell each one does when I’m in the middle of a live performance. As there are so many of them I end up having to be really conservative and repetitive with the type of duties I give scenes to do, which seems very limiting.
If we can’t store tempo per part, I’d love a simple looper implementation that worked properly when synced externally.
I’d also really, really like to be able to set a length of 128 or even 256 for my recordings as 64 is just not long enough for most of what I want to do. And why not allow recording direct to CF card for longer samples as most of the time I have to use a computer for my sampling, which isn’t as fast and snappy as it should be.
That’s all :slight_smile:

Hi Elektron,

Can we have track mutes work at the trig level, or at least pre-effect? When I mute my tracks I don’t want them to stop abruptly. I want the sample enveloppe, reverb and delay to fade out “naturally”.
This one has been on the request list for a very long time, and as guy who once did software for DSPs and embedded systems, I’m sure it won’t be that difficult to implement :wink:

Here’s what I need:

  • Add an option in the personalize menu to switch from the “old behavior” to - this “new behavior”.
  • In the new behavior, if the HOLD parameter in the AMP page of a static or flex machine is “infinite”, pressing the MUTE button disables the trigs and the envelope fades out according to the RELEASE parameter value
  • In the new behavior, if the HOLD parameter in the AMP page is not “infinite”, pressing the MUTE button disables the trigs.
  • Mute button doesn’t affect the track level or track volume in the new behavior
  • Old behavior is the current way of handling MUTE.

Thanks !

  • 1000000 for Jaalmadakan’s suggestion

I have just found out that slice grids can only be saved in the tempo in which they are created,

could we have a “relative grid” mode? a simple tick box within the slice options would befine for my own idea of how it would work? basically a 16 slice grid would be the same relative distance apart on a 120 bmp track as if that same track was lowered to 88bmp it would just bean that there was more (equal) distance between each slice point.

this would be really useful for seting up blank “pre-slices” to manipulate live audio at a later time, even if you don’t know the exact tempo of this future music piece, only that it will slice into 16 eve pieces.

Please this! Please please please! Just like the A4!
Also being able to set some global settings - eg every time I start a new project I have to go into the midi menu and set up Clock Ext, Sync Ext etc. Not a prob but another 2 mins out of fun time to do.
Can’t these be global setting rather than project level settings?

+1 for jaalmadakan’s suggestion. I’d definitely prefer the ability to have a trig mute (especially since I can abruptly stop the samples by simply clicking track button + stop) but I agree, even just a pre-fader mute would be way more useful. Having to choose between abruptly cutting off reverb and delay tails and having to use XVOL on a scene to properly pre-fader mute is not ideal.

I would love to have the ability to name Midi CC’s in the sequencer. I would also love to see a dedicated Grain synthesis machine, I mean you can almost do it with standard parameters, but adding smear or a crossfade between start and end points would be useful.