lets say you have a sample left is bass right is drums… you want bass only.
any ideas?
You can modify your sample in audio editor and keep left only.
You can also use spacializer fx and set phase to L.
HI, thanks for your answer.
Just to be clear, i have a sample that has bass in the Left channel and drums in the Right channel.
I only want to use the bass (Left channel).
I cant find the function you mentioned in the audio editor. Hopefully it exist i am just too blind to see… can you please be little more precise so i might find it.
The Spacializer approach results into having L and R (bass and drums) monoed together, thats not what i want.
But, I found out that the PAN (page2) does not, as i assumed so far, pan the stereo signal to either side, but acts like an independent L / R Volume. So, PAN to the LEFT (bass), and then spatializer to “dual mono” the signal actually works. But it sucks because i sacrificed an FX slot… but yeah could resample afterwards…
Isnt there a more straightforward way of just using the L or the R of a sample in a “dual mono” fashion?