Overbridge crackling

Macbook Pro

Mac OS Yosemite

Overbridge for AR, A4, AH

Ableton Live 9.5

Buffer 512 in both plugin and daw

I did not specify because I believe is a common problem

Any ideas?


All three of those units at once? Are they running through a hub? Overhub?
Is the problem occurring during playback or on a recording or on export?

If you’re using a hub, try plugging directly into your laptop.

I use overhub. And it happens both individually or in group.

You never experience the ocassional crackle. ?

Its accentuated when switching a sound or kit while playing, but anything can trigger it.

I have the same setup as you and I get some kind of overdriven crackle/feedback sometimes. weird

Thanks friedcircuit, funny enough is how the crackling sounds: fried audio

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If you plug whatever device you’re using directly into your laptop with no other USB devices attached, do you still have the problem? That will help determine whether it’s with the device or with the connection. I’d also try running with less audio channels because less channels = lower system load.

You could try backing up your system and doing a fresh install to see if that helps. You’re using Yosemite which is 2 OS versions behind now, is there a particular reason why? Most software (including Overbridge) has been updated to include macOS Sierra.

Overbridge also suggests in Live that it be run at 256ms buffer or below if possible.

I wish it would go to 2048, it enables a much higher CPU load. :confused:

FWIW, I don’t have these kinds of issues on any regular basis since the 1.1 update to be honest - MBP late 2013, 16gb, 1gb ssd, Sierra, A4 and AR connected via Overhub. Just a guess, but it sounds to me like you might need to have a look at tweaking buffers as others have suggested.

Thank you to all

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I got something like this last night on my A4, after installing the new OB and firmware.

Managed to get rid of it, by changing my Cubase 9 audio buffer size, from 256 to 128.

Not very scientific though…

Thank you Purusha

I will record it and post it, its so annoying. I can’ record, because 59 seconds is ok and then there is a 1 second crackle, sometimes more, every so often. Is like a buffer issue.

Thanks again

It does sound like a buffer issue, I ran into the same thing quite often when I was using the Virus TI in my studio. I was able to resolve those issues over the years by always having my TI plugged directly into my Mac (no hub). On a MacBook Pro it’s not always that simple (esp with only 2 USB ports) but restrictive systems require sacrifices.

There’s a happy medium to be found through testing I think but it’s a tradeoff - you might not be able to work in 24-bits for example. Or you might have to only use the Main L/R out instead of individual channels or only work with one piece of Overbridge gear at a time and render your parts separately. There’s only so much water that can come out of the faucet.

I’d make sure you open a ticket with Elektron Support all the same, they’ll probably have you go through the steps mentioned above.

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under macos, switch to “Bit Accurate Mode”. With this OB runs flawless with 64 Samples buffer. latency is round about 18 ms. under Core Audio I need to expand the buffer to 1024 samples to get ridd of the cracks. latency is then 80 ms.

Using OB on one track in Logic. When I press play to play a MIDI sequence I get this weird effect which sounds like tape speeding up. WTF is going on?? No delay nor reverb engaged… Sometimes there are crackles as well, when pressing stop and start in close succession.

Thank you digitalgeist. ALready open case. Will try your suggestions

Thangs again

Thanks will give it a try

I am getting crackles and garbled audio if I save a VST preset of the AH plugin. Ableton live 9.7, osx sierra, ob 1.15 / AH 1.02

Anyone else experience this? Haven’t tried the AU version yet

I would try to get things as I want with one device = one project. Then I will add 2 devices and then 3.
I would get rid of Audio Interface and use Apple Internal one firstly. If possible, no USB device plugged except Elektron request for the OB Session.

I set it up on my iMac Sierra 10.2.1 (i7) with 64 sample buffer and for the safety margin it depends about the DAW and differs with Analog HEAT

You can find more informations there :

Thanks William for all your hard work

Have a nice xmas


U too @mcmullers :wink:

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