Pattern select buttons and jog wheel stop working?

function + buttons still works to bring up the mute page, swing etc. can’t switch patterns though, trigs don’t light, sticky menu doesn’t show up.

hitting the record button fixes it.

i can’t really figure anything specific that i’m doing as to why it happens sometimes and not others except it maybe seems more likely to happen going from a low pattern number to high one.

hopefully I’m doing something wrong. any ideas? anyone else experienced this?


This is a long-shot… I know but,
You’re not by any chance in song mode?

Consult the manual and perform POST tests… Better backup everything up first…

i had something similar a few months back, most notably bringing up the mute page worked very unreliably (function button didn’t really work so I kep accidentally switching patterns because of this) and I thought WTFSRSLYBBQ, but a simple factory reset fixed it.

thanks all.

song mode is the arranger, right? if only. :slight_smile:

…seems like it’s hardware :disappointed:

Doing the button tests, trig 4’s LED comes on then instantly goes out. Unlike all the other trigs that stay lit.

at least now i know, but damn. terrible time of year to try and ship it back…

after contacting support, it sounds like it may be a bug after all. Fwew. I hope so.

i guess if you press two trigs while switching patterns this’ll happen.

although i’m kinda wondering if i have a sticky trig because i didn’t think i was that butter fingers. but if that was the case, i’d think i’d be having some weird sound trig issues too, so i’m probably just a spaz. :dizzy_face: :slight_smile:

I’ve bumped up against this bug a few times. Scared the living shit right out of me each time it happened (my MD is only a few months old). Luckily I saw this bug being discussed on the forum and my mind was put at ease. I bet your machine is fine. :joy:

if it’s the same situation…this (confirmed by HQ) bug happens when you press 2 patterns at the same time…so if you want to chain patterns just be sure to hit them in order, the first then the second while the first kept pressed…and so on

I had this bug, but had no idea what caused it, good to know.

+1 good explanation! — hasnt happened to me , but now i know what to look out for!

hey folks, this is I think the 3rd thread which discusses this issue, I may be in the same boat right now …

(allready received some useful advise but still happening)

kits wont change

is my thread …

could hitting more than 1 bank pattern button have caused this?

usuall I really like hitting say : Bank E and at the same time 1 and 2 and 3 to have MD cycle through 3 bank pattern pages.

could this have caused my kits to not change anymore when i switch bank patterns?

if so , how do i revert to normal?

i am not in song mode, i am not in classic mode.

test mode shows all leds light up well, and everything OK after boot of MD MK II UW (3 month old)

seems to work fine when i change global slot, but this is not a long term option for me.

thanks for all help and suggestions

hi baddcr

dont think so… let me know if u find out

i admire your positive attitude… i sent elektron a mail demanding my money back … dont think they replied :stuck_out_tongue: