I need a bit of help. I had an A4. it worked fine. Now I have an AK and I’m going crazy just trying to do basic stuff:
All I want to do is - write a pattern in A1 (an empty patch in an empty project). then switch to B1 (blank) and write a new pattern with a new kit. For some reason the AK never switches over to B1. I always end up writing over A1…even though B is selected on the bank LEDs. I have ‘A1’ and ‘B1’ flashing in the bottom left.
It’s some song mode chain mode crap and I cannot work it out. I don’t want any song, or any chaining. just writing some basic loops like when I work on the good old trusty machinedrum. Song mode light is off, as is chain mode. I have read the manual but it was no help to me.
Please help!