Pickup Machine MIDI settings for FCB1010

I love my pickup machines when sampling vocals, and more recently my electric guitar. But its a pain to press the INAB button to start dubbing and INCD to end dubbing and go to playback when I am playing guitar.

I have the FCB1010 and have tried a couple of times to get it to work with Octatrack pickup machines. But the FCB has a nice ‘feature’ where it sends CC26 value 0 every other time you press a peddle configured as a note. My Iconnect Midi has a filter that allows me to get past that.

So I have tried to setup my FCB to behave like everyones favorite Octatrack know-how video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtXyfHP7LW8, which shows us the ‘what’ but not the ‘how’ as for the actual octatrack MIDI configuration.

I have set mine up like so (on the MIDI auto channel #9)
Peddle 1 : INAB - 61
Peddle 2 : INCD - 62
Peddle 3 : Toggle Seq Sync+start 71

Is this correct? Because it doesn’t seem to work… when I press peddle 2 it keeps recording. Should the behavior be just like when I press the INAB or INCD buttons directly on the box?

For those of you who like long rambling repetitive solo jams, here is what I am able to do with an OT, A4, MiniBrute and strat - https://soundcloud.com/colaba/bam124-tmgc-solo/s-WxsNd

I blame the horrible guitar playing on having take my hands off the guitar to push ‘start’ :wink:


It’s initially slightly confusing but the buttons do not map 1:1 with midi functions, it makes sense when you work it through

See here for a clear answer (resolved by thread end)

I’m a guitar player too and I would recommend another midi foot controller, such as Yamaha Mfc 10, a second hand Roland Fc200, a keith Mac Millen 12 Keys or Soft Step.

If you want to keep Fcb1010 you can change the Eprom with Eurekaprom2.

I’ve got Fc200 and it can send needeed notes and you can swith to another page with CCs.

Thank you! 64 is what I needed. Of course it was in the manual too… :blush:


guys i’m having an hard time with fcb1010.
I found a 2nd hand unit for few bucks, but i’m out of luck on how to use it with octatrack…

looks like this pedalboard was actually built for selecting presets and sending program change messages, no more. After selecting a preset, the footswitches allows me just to change to another preset.
So… how the hell can i configure the unit to act as a configurable midi device, where I can send individual notes and cc messages?

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I found original firmware PITA. There alternative Eprom such as Eurekaprom2, UNO prom.

Sold it for an FC200, Yamaha seems MFC10 better.

Edit : I wrote almost the same a few month above…:wink:

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Agree it has a few special features (layering), but they don’t appear on s/h market so often, the Behringer does and it should surely be doable for configuring such a simple PM setup, never tried though

Look at what you want to achieve and then explore whether Note or CC control offers the best options (see other threads here on setting up ideas such as this one, tip shouldn’t be exclusive to Yamaha )

You can send notes and CCs, but just a very few.
Check manual to see if you can send enough.

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i’ve been succesful in starting the sequencer and switching tracks (prev/next), but i can’t figure out why notes 60 and 64 won’t work. The pickup machine just doesn’t react… I tried the note 61 too, as mentioned in the other post, but same result.
Any specific midi channel involved, wich i should set in the general settings? (now is default=1)

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I used the editor and had no problems setting it up. without the editor, I don’t think I would’ve bothered.

Auto Channel

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Of course i used the editor

octatrack.syx (2.3 KB)

Dug up the old sysex patch I had… maybe this will help you.
I stuck with default auto channel 11 so as not to conflict with any of the audio tracks.


thanks a lot! going to try with that!
Anyway i just ran a monitor, thats what i receive, maybe you can tell me where i got wrong:

[echo] midi channel [/echo]


CC method is better approach imho (if possible)

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works like a charm!!! thank you!!!
Dunno what was wrong in my config… :frowning:


sending notes as CC values on CC59?

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sweet, glad it worked! the left rocker/control pedal is the crossfader… have fun!


Yes, there are advantages to be had as you can tailor the up/down messages to be distinct (during one foot press), quite powerful

( assumes midi controller can assign both high and low vals though )

CC59 is cool but FCB can’t send that much CCs, That was the main problem for me.

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