Plans for sequencer functionality in overbridge?

Yeah I would think it’s technically possible so hopefully we will see it in a future release of overbridge

Exactly. I have vst’s I use in ableton, that can route midi to other channels, so it’s not too much of a leap to imagine this being done in OB.
Fingers crossed then.

I seem to remember something about this floating around, in the usual “Cenk whispered it to my mate at a showcase” way.

Would be pretty cool, kind of tricky to picture it making p-locking intuitive. Maybe they could add it to the bottom of the UI as 64 dots which can be selected. You would have to add note and arp sections to the UI also I guess. Sound locks would also have to be integrated.

Great UI design so far, I bet they could do it.

Yeah if they could integrate all this into the plugin would really be game changing stuff I reckon…overbridge v2.0 perhaps :grinning:

i think the point of overbridge is to use the host daws editing params. its called 'overbridge ’ because it bridges the gap between the daw and the machine. i would imagine the makers sighing and wanting to ask users of this free software if they need the elektron men to pop round and make the tracks for them too
id ask people to use their heads a bit more and appreciate a very good piece of free software and to get the hell on with production

2 posts were split to a new topic: Adding nothing to the conversation

And it’s great for that but it’d also be great to be able to transfer/translate complex sequences involving lots of plocks to computer for further experimentation.

AND…while we’re dissecting your dismissive post, sequencer functionality was something originally advertised as an upcoming feature in OB (probably with an estimated date long since passed, can’t remember), so it’s a fair ask.

Not that we’ll get an answer from elektron.


I’m all for anything that makes project/file management smoother and more worry-free! Storing complex sequences in the DAW/OB vst would be another good option to have if you needed it. If someone doesn’t need it, don’t use it. Simple pimple.

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Hey guys!

So, like most of you, I’m absolutely in love with Overbridge and how easy it makes interfacing my Analog Four with Ableton.

The only possible addition I ever could hope for in Overbridge would be to somehow include the Analog Four step sequencer. While I normally sequence my A4 with Ableton via Overbridge, I really love the creativity and the amount of control that the A4 has, and I’d love to really closely incorporate this with my Ableton workflow.

For instance, I use a Maschine as a plugin in Ableton and my workflow is normally to start sequencing drum patterns on the Maschine controller, but once I want to start arranging the patterns, Maschine has a really handy feature where you can physically drag the patterns out of the VST window and into Ableton with all of the note information. If Overbridge had a method for you to create sequences with the onboard sequencer, and then physically pull these sequences into Ableton to be arranged, I’d be in heaven.

Granted, I’m sure that also exporting all of the p-lock information would be really tricky to manage, but if anyone could pull this off, it’d be Elektron.

Anyway, I just wanted to see if anyone else would be interested in such a feature. For the time being, I’m just sending program changes to use the patterns I’ve made if they’re too complex to just recreate in Ableton. This works alright, but the aformentioned feature would really be nice.

Let me know what you think!

  • Charlie

I dream of sequencer functionality too…

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+1 here, I would love the GUI to include the sequencer somehow. I’m in the minority but I find the sequencer features on the AR and A4 to be obtuse and painful to use. I tend to avoid it because of the learning curve and rely entirely on Overbridge.

2003 is calling and it wants its software sequencers back. If you guys want software sequencers, go buy Reakor. The sequencers are like 83% of the reason to buy Elektrons.


Sequencing the Elektrons with Spiral might be something to try actually… thanks for putting that idea in my head.

yeah entering / modifying steps on the screen? Don’t think that’s gonna be any good. The hardware does this really well.

The only downsides are imho that you can see only one track at a time, and that you can’t see the automation curve of the p-locks. But neither of these are critical. It has worked very well with these boxes for a long time.


I’m all for (read: obsessed with) combining software and hardware workflows, so I’m with you there.

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I’ve done this with the silver Elektrons. Highly recommended. :thup:

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Even if I can’t edit patterns in Overbridge, I’d love the ability to manage patterns and songs - eg, copy, paste, move patterns around within and between projects, drag and drop patterns to make a song etc. – and most of all, make sure all of it is archived in my Ableton Set.

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Now that I do agree with, that sounds very useful, especially as I become more and more used to editing the Analog machines almost exclusively within OB. But I still find the sequencers very intuitive and fun to use on the machines themselves.

I can kinda see that the introduction of the pads and keyboard pop out is a step in that direction. No problem working on the hardware sequencer, but more visual feedback on sequences and parameter locks would be super useful, and in an ideal world the ability to drop midi clips onto the plugin in live …